lundi 14 septembre 2015

A Critical View: Is the film Interstellar up to the stars?

Near the end of the world .. This is the pessimistic message given by the sci-fi movie from Hollywood recently - and this kind of film becomes more more and more melancholy.
For years, we've seen films depicting tattered remnants of the human race who are hanging around in the desolate atmosphere of the post-apocalypse such as: the way, I Am Legend, Book of Eli and other films. Then we saw last year in the movie Paradise, forgetfulness and after the earth ... three separate movies suggest that we have to leave college for the globe destructive and inhabit a space station or a remote planet.

And now we have the same scenario overlooks the stunning film Interstellar chambers, have a common and directed by Christopher Nolan, The Dark Knight film director and the beginning.
The film starred Matthew McConaughey role Coop, a farmer widower and father of two children. Coop live in a time in the near future where periodic dust storms cover everything with a layer of sand as required ... "scourge" mysterious crop on the world one by one.
It's the future of chilling much more desolate neighborhoods that we see in the typical sci-fi movies. It simply returns that can be more easily recognizable: a society still organize itself, most familiar technology but was left to mankind for many years.
However, the Coop is not an ordinary farmer. He worked as a pilot tests with the agency "NASA" space. As the governments that employ all its capabilities and resources to feed the population, any of them are no longer able to fund a space program.
After all, this is what people think Coop. In fact, after a good bout of depression and controversy in the front hallway with Hama (John Tgao), he discovers that "NASA" and continued their research secret. Moreover, they spotted a hole space near the planet Saturn may serve as a gateway to other galaxies.
Great research, "NASA" scientists believe (Michael Caine) that can determine a planet habitable site where there are required Coop to lead the next exploration trip to space that hole. This task force him to leave behind him loved him Monday, his son and his daughter -rpma forever, and certainly for several years.
But what drives Coop is two things. First, the rescue of human hope, and the second motive to leave the farm tractor seat and return to the spacecraft cabin. So starting agrees in space with a senior researcher with the daughter of neurological nature (Anne Hadhua), and two others are in addition to the assistant pilot Rubotin Mthecman in the form of panels.
It is not appropriate to reveal the point of these galaxies Explorers Sajdoh or what, but it's fair to say, again, that Nolan has held a substantial kind of movies and added to it and serious perspective Tmizanh between competitors. It was a three of his films "Batman / Batman" characterized philosophy and interlocking plots rather than depiction of the hero of the supernatural.
Similarly, the great film Interstellar and accept the challenge enough to be considered comparable to Pfilim Ckta Mtertan touchstone for the imagination of two Mlhmtan of science fiction movies: "2001: A Space Odyssey" to Kubrick and "Solaris" to Tarkovsky.
What is more impressive that Nolan did not use any modern digital effects than that used by films.
There are certainly a couple of grainy footage of the mind have been generated by computers, but it depends in most parts of the movie props and material groups and filming in locations chosen wisely (Iceland portrayed as Kawkaban strangers).
These options give the movie "interstellar" a sense of realism and the risk of chatter her bones do not see in the video games (CGI) gleaming in the latest movies "Star Trek."
Just as importantly, the music of Hans Zimmer makes the film seem like a larger than that without it: Zimmer evokes the original meaning of the phrase 'all he could work', making our teeth chatter when you hear the thundering organ music device. The representation was enthusiastic and powerful as any movie you see the drama on the surface of the earth.
As for McConaughey, lively after winning the Oscar for his film dallas buyers club, it was especially poignant. In one scene, his face sheds shock and sadness and joy, and I found myself inquiring whether any of his peers able to show the net intensity. Tom Cruise? Leonardo DiCaprio? Brad Pitt? No one who reminded them.
It seems "among the stars" in the most solemn time watching it, with some viewers will leave the cinema hall with a sense that he was a fool for a tale of science fiction. Most of that Senba sense of the dramatic peak flooded tenderness remained constant in the film 'interstellar', except Batman movies. McConaughey fluent exciting nerves during this key scene serial ... but artificial and emotional limits do not make it superior to the writers and editors of the text of the film "Doctor Who".
There are also other signs that the initial Interstellar not quite rational as film 2001 or Solaris. There is a moment in the headquarters of the cliche 'NASA' when someone commented that Coop was "the best pilot we have ever seen" - did not contact him sooner?
There are scenes, in the middle of the journey, where members of the crew of the spacecraft sitting they explain to each other what it seems space hole and arguing about the planet, which must first visit - was it not rather for them to decide that before they left Earth?
The most glaring scenes at all speech is a scene-style hippie Hamaoa about how to overcome the physical limits of love for each. Not any of these disturbing moments (perhaps, except Hamaoa speech), but they do not think a film worthy of its members in the form of quantum Bmikhanyk intelligent film that portrays him as "among the stars."
Nolan neglected, mainly, following base in a fantasy films "between and do not say:" It does not let the idea of ​​a topic or pass without clarified to speak to viewers.
It is likely that saw him drop some dialogues (which co-written with his brother Jonathan) to make up for Bhetwasal own time and space complex things.
As likely that he wanted only, Bdoakhl his heart, nice old tale about the love of a father for his children listed. It looks like aims to reach more ambitious than most filmmakers place in Hollywood ... but, unlike the Coop and its partners, not quite able to pass through the space hole

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