lundi 14 septembre 2015

Talk about the writer William S. Burroughs novel.

William Burroughs, one of the poles of generation «House» (US) protest, which many critics considered that the generation that America's senior book fathered in the twentieth century. Jill knew, despite the scandalous behavior in many cases, how to impose his writings and his presence, even to modern generations. The Burroughs was the first of the books in all, including the influence of drugs, or rather, the individual journey in spaces that the world is finite. He even form often, «moral authority», each Member.

Burroughs was born 1914, and began writing on his thirty-fifth Omar, in Mexico, where his book came «Janki», an account of these five years attached to the opium toothpaste. Book marking Hakpth and his time: it was the first «transfer live» Space drug, irrigated from the inside. In the post, the drug and homosexuality polar form his subsequent «feast bare». Harsh book, revolutionary and remade in his style, only in 1959 did not find a publisher in Paris and in English, thanks to Allen Ginsberg, Burroughs eternal friend. In that era, Burroughs and Ginsberg and Kerouac became «the leaders of this generation.» This protest movement against «the American way of life» in the fifties as against conservative values ​​and patriotism.
In 1953, William landed Q. Burroughs travelers for the first time in Tangier, those "White City," located on the Strait of Gibraltar. Two years earlier he had shot his wife in Mexico City during practice for the game, "William Hill". It seemed Tangier - which was dubbed the "international zone" - ideal for men aged thirty-nine-year-old at the time. People had smoked hashish on the streets. As far as possible the police were not to intervene, while homosexual love, and love, but also the young men, it seemed they were completely Aadian.
Brothels of every type and form were open wide to raise there without any problems. Before that resides Pension "Munira" Burroughs lived in the house No. 1 Street, Calle del los Arcos, directly above a brothel, which opens its doors to men. "Kiki" - one of the boys working there - has become his constant companion. "There is a sense in Tangier at the end of the world," read the message sent by Burroughs to Allen Ginsberg, the people here and would not let evil.
In the first year Burroughs wrote under the influence of opium. American writer has been rumored for himself that he did not take a bath for months, did not change his clothes in the meantime. "Every hour was take off his shirt or trousers for a moment even stick a needle into his flesh, this is all about."
After being treated to get rid of addiction in London abuse Burroughs in Tangier Almarjun, a type of traditional jam made of Moroccan hashish.
But we now know how did Burroughs novel, quickly clear that friends Burroughs - Alan Ginsberg and Alan Anson and Jack Kerouac - has intervened in the chaos that immeasurable left by Burroughs of manuscripts, notes and messages, and then re-arrange them before they arise, including a novel. In a letter written by Allen Ginsberg in 1957 to Lucien Carr he says: "We have revised the enormous amount of material written and we were Ntnob to work in shifts, as we accept things in order to write on a typewriter, and the finished part of the 120-page". Thus arose the first manuscript of "Naked Lunch."
The novel tells the stories set in the United States and Mexico as well as in Tangier. These stories do not adhere to the usual straight narrative structure of chronology, as they come out for a photo Author Alim all events his novel. The "Naked Lunch" is a creation of Burroughs, as it is made close friends group, that group that began to adjust and shorten and choose delete and rewrite the novel. A collective process were not possible in this way in the absence of a unified literary awareness among them.
In the fifties, and when he had finished friends Burroughs from the collection of overlapping Msaudath to form what looks like a novel, any publishing house in London or New York did not agree to the deployment of "Naked Lunch" because of its content and violent, but Dar French "Olympia Press," which focused frequently publish Erotic and Albornograveh stories, and famous for being the first to publish a novel of Vladimir Nabokov's "Lolita" and Samuel Beckett's novel "Watt", and agreed to publish after a second attempt from Burroughs, especially when I learned that an American magazine in Chicago caused a scandal when published excerpts from them. Published a "Olympia Press" novel entitled "Naked Lunch", despite that the writer has not added definition to it all.

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