lundi 14 septembre 2015

(La Famille Bélier): cinematic masterpiece humanity in a hundred minutes of spiritual Interestingness

(La Famille Bélier): cinematic masterpiece humanity in a hundred minutes of spiritual Interestingness
Monday, December 22, 2014, corresponding to 30 Safar 1436 AH
We laughed and cried at the director .. and we were astonished to Artago pick it up in the most accurate influential moments ...

Balber family members on the farm
Beautiful beautiful beautiful film ..
As far as Funniest Features and Cefguena for a lot of watching, as far as Obakana affected and joy in more than one position. Address: (La Famille Bélier), directed by Eric Artago (50 years) quoted text with Thomas Beidagan, and took a very wonderful and beautiful scenario Victoria Lepidus and Stanislas Carré de Malberg.
Interestingness a hundred minutes of spectacular and diverse poetic and artistic. The most dangerous thing the bar that this is true, and Alcastng (Agatia Hasnfordr) which, distributed roles charming way to representatives excelled on the severity of Afoathm and immersion in their assigned characters, especially the parents Mother Jimmy Balber (Karen Fayard) and Father Rudolph (Francois Damien), while the axial and the wonderful role of the daughter of Paula (Luan Amira), along with her friend Mathilde (Roxanne Duran) and little brother Quentin (Luca Gilprg) until the role of the mayor Lapidus was wonderful in the incarnation and Stefan Jtwikz.
We liked the film very much and we felt over time your currently we are in a fascinating world, no hypocrisy in it, and what sets it apart is the human being in all its values ​​and its truth, we are about is composed of four members: parents family, the little boy, and girls, it's Paula, this beautiful alone spirit in Group hear and speak reverse the remaining three. Is that by virtue of living with them is aware of reference what they want, and defined by reference also how to explain to them the merits of the position they are in, and realize at the same time that there are caveats supposedly would overcome and overtaken so as not to embarrass her family with one, Vttorgom the opposite of what they said or was told about them.
Paula is speaking on their behalf. A safety valve for them, and each officer rhythm of their lives did not get time to think for themselves something special, was always thinking in the four together is the slogan. But this time, here's the irony that Paula want to sing, strange living with deaf and dumb, you want to become a singer. Parents totally satisfied, know that she went to Paris and the absence of three months in training in singing a grant from the Radio France, will not Athmloh all.
I got when Khatarham, and apologized to the professor of music in support of her talent, which surprised that relatives of people with special needs, but it did not take long, it was the urgency for the contest in the capital, bless Dhuoha after looking at people clapping their hands to sing the Paula with her colleague Gabriel (Eliane Bergala), and the attendance excretory here fantastic, we put the director of Artago three place, in their world silent never while the atmosphere around them in the hall abuzz with applause and joy of what they hear, while not up to the ears of the three Almertahin in their world except this time they are not as well because of the singing is a link between them and the world around them who do not know them and they know the details.
It is impressive and beautiful attitudes is that proficient Paula singing in front of the jury in Paris, accompanied by her brother and her parents, and began to translate reference what is spared three Farrah interact with it, and understand what you say, and the word of the song directed to them, and if Eye tears of silent, and of them, and the audience and we were , but the moment the most dangerous in the film is when departing to Paris in a car music professor, say goodbye warmly one by one, and when the car cut off several tens of meters ask the professor to stop stepping out of the car and rushing them ... four and drown in the arms and kisses and crying and joy never seen honest than before, they are honest and very scary to the degree of influence here, more than any other scene burst attendance of female colleagues and colleagues in the display in a clear and crying ..
All cried from joy to this humanitarian cinematic masterpiece ... truer since the time .

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