lundi 14 septembre 2015

Mike wanted me effect «Mr. Turner»

Portrait drawn by director Mike Leigh English romantic painter Joseph Malord William Turner (1775-1851) in his new movie «Mr. Turner» (2014), who Coming soon in Lebanese lounges, not a magician in the traditional sense of the word. Give me «Mr. Turner» terms and face acute convulsive which is not free of vulgarity and edition. It seems closer to the big baby cranky and spoiled.
Two worlds Mtdharban Amzjhma director brilliantly: the reality of Turner dry to the naked cruelty and broadcast by life in his paintings through the stunning cinematic visual language aesthetically and nature scenes which portray different Baltdrjat of color and light. Note that you have received the Director Bob filming awarded him a special prize of the jury in «Cannes Film Festival» (2014).
The only constant in the life of the relationship Turner (actor Timothy Spall), which are collected by his father, William (actor Paul JSON).

He is the Savior assistant who buys his colors and assisted in the preparation and is keen to rest is expended irksome guests Turner former mistress and daughters who the painter is not recognized until Bjrdhn. The negative answer whenever he was asked whether he had children.
What unites the Father and of the Son, he hated the crazy mother, according to Turner expression that had to be imprisoned in a psychiatric hospital. This may explain Toner troubled relationship with women and is not bothered even daughters continued. When one of them dies, not batting an eyelid, but complements his life as if nothing had happened. The second woman is visible in the life of Turner, which collects the sadistic masochistic relationship, is broken housekeeper Hannah (actress Dorothy Atkinson). Followed by the last shadowed, and eager go unnoticed because, while only is having sex with them from time to time without any emotional continue or even human. After the death of the father, Turner seems completely stranded. It is the only time that we see the impact of emotion on his face, collapses in a brothel he was about to draw one of the women there. Scene played by actor Timothy Spall skillfully, he received the Best Actor Award at «Cannes Film Festival» latter. Director depicts the difficult efforts to Turner in expression. It is clear that he excels, as it seems like a kind of crying or screaming Alhacrjh. But the father's death frees Turner somehow, and Issalha with women, Viqrb of Sofia (actress baryon Bailey) which becomes his mistress, that was director of Pensions who used to reside in during his trips. The Sofia-sponsored care about him and in what looks like a picture of the mother, shall dwell with them until his death. In his film, The camera in the film is always at a distance from the characters in a state of alert or hopes to monitor the footage carefully engineered moves within the scene characters and their interaction with each other silently.
For example, explains the director personal housekeeper silent and their relationship with Turner through the cinematic language without any need for dialogue. Well, reflect the rigors of cinematic language and the lack of intimacy between them and the characters, the world of Turner cold and isolationist, but that does not interact with light only his passion, which give him the title of «painter
Light ».
Contrasted with dark scenes and free life inside the house Turner, embodies the director seeing Turner art across the cinematic language of innovative blends in between his work and aesthetic visual of natural scenes which picked up by Turner during his trips and re-formed in his paintings, which Enclha director of the case of inanimate objects to portray through the world of Turner procedure.
Also, keep pace with the music (written by Gary sprinkle) Bhetwatrutha disturbing sleep caution, which controls the rhythm of the film looks like a calm nature and brutality that are evident in the work of Turner as, for example, panel «snowstorm Hannibal and his army crossing the Alps» (1812) or «ship pass fighter» (1838) One of his most famous work.

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