lundi 14 septembre 2015

FBI: Sony hacker is able to penetrate 90% of companies

US Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI said to the Senate that there are very few companies were able to hold out against a hacker who penetrated Sony Corporation on 24 November.

And Assistant Director Joe Dimarsst online department said in FBI that the methods that were used in Sony's breakthrough can penetrate 90% of the electronic protection methods known so far, and perhaps also able to penetrate the state governments as well.

He added that the FBI did not Eetmknu yet to determine who is responsible for this attack.

And the group calling themselves the name of peace guards have succeeded in some of the leaked documents and emails from Sony.

Comments Dimarsst reflect what Kevin Maye said the Office of the Chief of Investigations against electronic attacks that what happened with Sony is is unprecedented and has implemented a total of very organized.

The total of hackers peace guards had asked Sony to withdraw her film comedy The interview and in which you send Seth Rogen and James Franco to North Korea for the assassination of Kim Jeong Online and the film is expected premiered on Thursday in Los Angeles time.

And North Korea had denied any involvement in the breach of Sony, but at the same time praised the group that carried out the attack.

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