dimanche 13 septembre 2015

Kurdish cinema: Monitoring and the plight of exile and condemn social mental puritanical!

Cinema does not recognize this Althguib or annual rating on the outcome achieved during the year, it is particularly true on the Kurdish cinema experiencing production difficulties is no room to go into here, there are projects postponed, as happened in Iraqi Kurdistan after threats «Daash» the middle of last year, and another canceled or «placed on the shelf» waiting for favorable conditions. In isolation from the controversy about the film relative to a given year, the film «Swallow» Mano Khalil entered the Kurdish Alvilmogravea as the last film completed during the past year, that locked in festivals and performances journey with the beginning of the new year.

Manu owner «colorful dreams» and «David Tolhldan», and «Anfal, in the name of God, and the Baath Party and Saddam», and «honey taste», which continued to grab awards over the past year, deals with the «Swallow» tale Kurdish exile through the story of a girl a Swiss father Kurds, were believed to have died. But after 28 years to reach them the news that he was alive, Vtsafr to Kurdistan in search of the father absent, to be this trip as an excuse to discover the unknown country so that is no longer a matter of finding the relevant father in return to find the home of a language and geographically different European country and traditions.

The repercussions of asylum

Theme repercussions asylum repeated in the film Hisham Zaman «message to King», as the owner tells «before the fall of the snow» the story of five people living in a center to house the refugees in Norway amid deadly monotony of waiting to get accommodation, and in the meantime allow them to take a trip to the capital, Oslo where moments of discovery interfere with the suffering and the way to love and to seek revenge, and combines these stories message by the old Mirza, and wants to deliver it to the king of Norway through the paradox full of the spirit of irony and sarcasm.

If the absent most prominent over the past year is Bahman Ghobadi, who could only collective contribution with directors leading global such as the Prince Kostoritza and Amos Gitai and Guillermo Arriaga to accomplish bar «words with the gods», and Menhmk currently in preparation for filming his feature sixth, the brother Patten Ghobadi was able to offset This absence through the narrative experience his first titled «Mardan» after a number of short films. The film tells the story of the disappearance of one of the elements of the Kurdish peshmerga forces, and the consequent of the memories and the repercussions of conscience among those around him to be at the bar tells the plight of the loss and evokes childhood memories within the cinematic combination attractive dedicate a new movie a name was to draw attention to his talent, especially through the film «Ask the wind »which he won several awards.

And after an absence of nearly four years, due Shawkat Amin Korki through the film «memories carved on stone» to be a novelist, his third after «Kickoff» and «crossing dust». His new film, which won the Best Film from the Arab World Award during the Abu Dhabi Festival, seeks to restore pictures and inscriptions and sounds far remained etched in memory, as is engraved on the walls of the cells and basements and detention centers, to symbolize the harsh era experienced by the Kurds in the light of the Anfal campaigns waged by the system Saddam Hussein against them in the eighties of the last century. Corridors prisons and darker atmosphere and ropes gallows and high gates and iron bars ... is the vocabulary of paint climates this film, which trace the paths of suffering without howling or blood through the trial date listed concern, and condemns present burdened with customs and traditions inhibit ambition and hope.

Director Sahim Omar Khalifa, who received Baanvae impressively his film before the last «Messi Baghdad», which grabbed 46 Award, once again proved to be a hunter movie Maher across the short novelist «fisherman bad» New, who won, after the presentation in the fourth Dubai International Film Festival, Jury Award Within the category of «short dowry», after he won, as well, the best film award from the Montreal Festival in Canada, and the award of the jury of the Festival of Valladolid in Spain. The film deals with the story of a young fisherman Berhoz who roam the wilds of Kurdistan in search of catches by chance sees the girl being raped to the bailed then enters into a spiral of problems that highlight the obsolete social traditions in Kurdistan.

«The night was long» is a short strip director Kameran Betesy which dates back to the mid-seventies of the last century with the collapse of the Kurdish Revolution title, as it forced a woman and her two children to the Commission E to camp on the border, the Iraqi-Iranian Kurdish refugees, while her husband is fighting in the ranks of «peshmerga», There will fall at the mercy of an Iranian officer, and offered sacrifices to survive on their own, reflective of a better tomorrow.

A sense of rowdy

Filmmaker River Salim did not provide a new after his film «ground sweet, earthly sharp», but he is busy preparing for the start of filming novelist «Baby Mooney» or «babe money», which is as reticent on the subject of his new film, demonstrated previous experience of «Vodka Lemon» to «kilometer zero» to «if I die, I'll kill you» on Film feisty sense he enjoys, and that touch the black satirical comedy that permeates the tragic stories.

Mention may be made in the context of last year's proceeds to the film «fragile» of religion Ahmed, as well as the film «Checkmate» based video compositional directors Roche Abdel Fattah and Ingrid Roulma technique, and the film «last winter», directed by Iranian Salem my prayers, and the film «flat ants» to reconcile Amani , and «butterflies» Adnan Zandi, the latter three films, despite being speaking in Kurdish, but it is on behalf of Iran participated in festivals.

At the level of film festivals, was launched over the past year Erbil Film Festival at its first session, and the establishment of this festival is a recognition of the successes achieved by the Kurdish cinema, with delayed Dohuk Film Festival as well as the Festival «on» or «light» Documentary Film in Sulaymaniyah, due to the security situation in Kurdistan, which has seen unrest during the month of June (last June) which hampered, as well as, the presence of Kurdish cinema as a guest of honor at the recent Cairo Film Festival.

Toll film over the past year has shown once again the concerns of the Kurds and their concerns, which is not only, this time, skin self, and the restoration of dates bloody people do not get tired search for a safe homeland accommodate the dreams and aspirations of the deferred, but seemed bold in the fight against corruption, which claimed widespread in young Kurdistan region and raised voice in the face of those social mental puritanical; adhering to customs and traditions represent a risk to those dreams, it may outweigh the exclusionary policies that have always sought to quell the Kurdish voice. But despite that, the film remains the most elevation means to express that voice marginalized, no exaggeration to say that what is made by film Kurd and one of the beauty and creativity of the equivalent of all prospective parties' efforts, and in this sense the Kurdish cinema fights, always, on two fronts: that justice issue on the one hand appear, and busy, on the other hand, private-grown aesthetics, specifically those of the complexities of the case and the rugged tracks and her stories that do not end!

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