lundi 14 septembre 2015

The Hurt Locker || film, which traces '' passion '' Academy ..

Away from the Oscars away from the criticism or the praise he received the film ,,
Cinema in general tastes and everyone sees the film from your perspective ... I can not hate anybody opinion about the movie or even Amjad someone else's opinion about the movie ..
Before that I write this article I read many of the comments that I wrote about the film in the Forum and I saw a divergence of views about it !!

But I will discuss the film from my personal perspective .. where I see that the film has been amplified too much, especially since he got the most important awards of the best film in 2009 ...
The problem that I faced in watching the movie that places shooting the film is very, very close to a residential place a distance of not 1 km ,, I remember the time it was closed to the region in that period because of the "filming" But the problem is that people used to say that the film normal Action and Heroes Action submerged So I did not want to go to the filming site or even catch a glimpse of what is happening ...
Generally invited me to mention this matter is that I am over the events of the film and throughout my follow up his Intabna did not think even for a moment that the film mimics the story took place in Iraq, especially places that I know all imaging Street and the neighborhood and the region ..
If the main point of the film centered fell for me .. I did not feel that feeling for the Iraq war or operations for dismantling bombs there ,, the contrary, I felt he was just an ordinary movie was filmed in Amman to events in the region ,,,
This particular vision for the film I do not expect to see one as I saw it .. or at least from my own !!
About the film
When he started to talk about the film in 2009 and he was nominated for the awards and even after he got many awards the most important of six awards Auskarah most important best film and best director and best original text ... all of this it did not stimulate I have a feeling its follow-up, especially the story, which he considered a duplicate of hand the idea Home namely the glorification of the US soldier that his heart compassionate and men Malam all things military ,, In other words, (the man who invincible) ,, this does not Asthoeni much in spite of my love for movies war but mostly movies tend to those films that talk about World War the first or second, which I see somewhat simple credibility .. and if not convinced of the merits of the house including the film go back to history and read a lot about that period of the film at the time and where I can best judgment is relatively happened !!
Away than ever before if we look at the film from a purely cinematic look ,, I think that a good film in terms of cinematic renderings where Jeremy Warner gave a wonderful role but does not deserve to receive an Oscar him and this is what happened ,,
Output was distinctive not standing but the disadvantage choosing filming locations as I mentioned earlier ,, Any Yes Jordan nearest countries of Iraq geographically and demographic nature but there are places much better than was chosen (at least get away from the capital Amman) in terms of filming locations for scenes that were in a residential places ,,
Kathryn Bigelow of the most prominent outputs independent women who have their own Tabahn in the charged films of all forms of violence, which is allocated since the end of the seventies in her career dedicated to horror movies, violence and Action, but must stay away from political films or movies that glorify the American soldier (as seen in the film Zero Dark Thirty ) the year before ,, the problem is here that these films are called (movies hunter awards) as long as we have seen such films at the forefront of film festivals ,,
The film features an element of thrill and enjoy while watching as well as technical strength used to work Valmkhrjh Bigelow competent cinematic horror succeed making an atmosphere of excitement and thrill many action scenes and specific moments decoding mines where feel the viewer himself place the soldiers and that it is just a few steps away from the death and that all suspect
One sign points to the attention of the film in the absence of dramatic plot strong underlying scenario or even dramatic developments and shifts the contrary, the film is based on realism filming the sequence of events by monitoring the diaries of soldiers and soldiers interaction with them is a manufacture drama
See the movie to deal with the Iraqi people to approach the reality of the occupying forces have not been portrayed as usual welcoming them and collaborators with them
But repeated scenes of Iraqis they Armqounam stares filled with rancor and hatred, this one of the points which are calculated for the film ..
Some of the scenes filmed with cameras mounted from 16mm-style documentary category, was filmed 200 hours of scenes that appear as if you see the naked and eye by 100: 1 (at a higher rate than the famous director's epic film (Francis Ford Coppola ,, Apocalypse Now and this gives and more realistic for the movie ..
Soundtrack did not enjoy it was not a major influence on the film ,, or at least does not deserve the Oscar !!
Some people say that this film stole the Oscar of an avatar, but I think that that year did not provide such strong films as an avatar got what deserved to be in the Oscar-no more ,, and by looking for the list, which ran for Oscar best film there was a movie Tarantino Inglourious Basterds The film Alraaia UP handle animation and film biography sports The Blind Side I see them on the same level or even excel in some cases our film on this !!
Good movie and the many positive points ,, but does not rise because the public have a movie or a film Alauskara ,, From my perspective I was impressed by the film, many of the things the film is good but not total, more 

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