lundi 14 septembre 2015

They Live - the golden rule: those who have the gold make the rules ..!

This message Carpenter, in this film Carpenter tries to arrive us a clear idea, it's not every human being has the word correct people and he sees that he is the right person will be is true always, do not know what is the truth, it may be not human, you do not know what secret do, they live is a film Action and Science Fiction, the film highlights the story I will say it's unique and new idea and this which I like some sci-fi movies, it's the film comes a new story did not see before, in this film the story authority over a George Nada anyone looking for stability and job, it offers a job as a factor in the construction and are approved his request and actuation, at his workplace, which operates it in front of them church always hear the voices of people praying inside this church and the strange thing is that he sounds out loud does not end, he felt curious that he enters and takes a look, And what he sees, funds the sunglasses, he does not know what is the story of these funds and glasses, but took the glasses and went out of the church after that when he wore the glasses means strange things he sees do not see a natural thing, black and white and people shapes became scary, the golden rule of their gold make the rules, the interpretation of this statement, which has a larger power is able to control the things the country or poor they have no any interference and are wronged this is the concept of the film in general, you're Abdul in this country, get married and come to boys and operate, you Abdul They live, this Unique film through exotic story or even Carpenter style outstanding, I am who does not know me from the biggest fan of the director John Carpenter and almost witness all his films only two did not watch them as they Village of the Damned and Ghosts of Mars the rest of his films I saw and downright is a distinctive way out and has a wonderful style To connect the idea to you, or even in a horror movie makes you afraid not scenes horrifying it makes you afraid of the situation in which personalities like you are with them, but this film make the science fiction category gorgeous by me, and any crazy idea can be produced for the movie, because this story may look like it silly, but if you see the film you'll see it's a distinct idea of ​​the film Action and Sci-fi, equality between rich and poor in this ugly picture ..

The film highlighted the unjust government or the government, which always steal from the poor, or treat them unjustly, and this is something important and Carpenter highlighted this problem, a distinct way and as I said, a new and unique and unexpected story, or even in the end spoke for film critics and how they always have a negative opinion on any movie they do not like the negative opinion be tough on the film with that film a good level .. figures Carpenter in his films are always fascinating, in this film, who played the role of George Nada was a wrestler Roddy Piper, has given to the role of a special flavor because it is has a sense of comic featured even in the field Wrestling, as well as his friend in the film, which Frank, who played Representative Keith Davis role, such as personal Snake Pescan in the movie Escape from New York Personal George wonderful Nada, or even personal McCready of the movie thing, I mean always Carpenter provides us with a distinct personality and are always grainy his characters This is the most important positives director John Carpenter in my opinion .. they live, level film I will say that it is excellent, gave us science fiction are quite different, some people hated class science fiction because he class boring and that story is not true, why watch a movie, this is my opinion, some people in science fiction, but In my opinion it was a science fiction class makes you the future you see in a positive way, because some of the films have a vision for the future positive for the future, but as I said science fiction class absolutely gorgeous gives us new ideas and unexpected and these ideas he comes by taking out a distinct and wonderful characters, this movie was excellent, as I said, dialogues great movie, harmony between George Nada and David figures were wonderful when they get to know some in the beginning and then a scene of speculation, including, film a little comedy, but not so comedy that will make you laugh from your heart, light the film means to change a little routine, or like what they say break the routine, because this film as I said is unique, also the film oppressed the media, did not receive the goodwill period coming in the cinema in the eighties, but downright film was ejected distinct and style distinctive, adapted the film from a short story, but Carpenter is a writer dialogues, as I said Carpenter has special style in the output or even in dialogues and his characters even provided a great new way, the end of the film was distinct and somewhat funny, great personality George Nada really is the coolest characters I've seen in my life ..

"The Golden Rule:" who has the gold, makes the rules
The golden rule: "those who have the gold make the rules."

Carpenter, who spoke a lot about the authorities, it's very challenge almost living in stealth power to call it a political screed. The risk of much more, and this is a film connects us to the idea of ​​mass entertainment and consumer - who is trying to reprogram their audience in the fight against the poor, as well as consumers, everything we see in the theater asks us, to some extent, to see the world as it is. But they are living this situation and try, the film completely independent little cost, but Carpenter managed to convey the idea of ​​Aloshtlak and the poor in this film, and the text was excellent from Carpenter, as well as make-up, which was fantastic, George Nada downright distinct personality, in addition to David, who was part important in the story of the film, do not forget that it is said that the golden rule argument, because he was grieved that he sees himself runs and takes the money a little unlike some people who are not employed and they take a lot of money .. gorgeous film in my opinion, I would advise everyone to watch, science fiction film light to break the routine , the idea of ​​a crazy and unique ..

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