dimanche 13 septembre 2015

Interstellar - 2014

After a sensational young Ansphn Inception Christopher Nolan cinema director of New returned by him out among the stars of the film Interestaller.
The film is the film Christopher Nolan, they are not without full control over the most important work items so that it is a writer and director in the company of his brother Jonathan Nolan (in the writing of the text), the film actually represents a huge project work by Nolan since 2006, it did not achieve his dream But then eight years, the film story short: the planet his later years living in life and preparing the human race to extinction, and so decides band of explorers and scientists to travel the universe through black holes to the discovery of a planet that fits the human race and save him from extinction crisis.

I think that the majority in sync in the movies Nolan unique Bnoaha for the rest of the films produced in the last 10 years, after the monopoly of DC to Nolan Company, was able to get out of the surroundings and atmosphere Dark Knight to the environment give it more freedom and space to show what his abilities both in authoring the text or in film directing specifically, it is my view as a writer is much better than being way out in the texts of his films, it does not mean that it is the average level as a director.
Christopher Nolan has within it many new abnormal thoughts that are not used to see before the movie screen or television template Mata-oriented factors more than it is for the elite and specialists, unlike, for example, movies Aronofsky or Paul Thomas Anderson from the center of Hollywood as an example, here's one of the biggest reasons for the success his films on the Box Office; template technical problem of the story and the way offered to the public, which as I mentioned cinematic letter addressed to the ordinary and the elite in particular Baloam.
Complained that not a few on the complexity exaggerated the film and its transformation from a film tragic to my knowledge intensive talks about relativity and gravity and quantum physics (Quantum Mechanics), it is that the idea of ​​the movie my view need this condensation in the scientific discourse to complete the art form of the film, and only falling in the trap, which occurred when directors and producers ex-space films (films in the range of 2000 to 2014), it is in fact an official as a message containing only traditional points (Introduction show finale) without any change in the text content, or even his artistic output, and but it is the beginning of going through an official at NASA intelligent man even save the planet from destruction and the display is how they carried out this man to his work and the end is either returned as a hero to the land of their homes or die and more than a dose of grief and emotional and tears were also at Armageddon, for example.
And even Nolan implemented a scientific text trap and documentary film, succeeded in dealing this time with his characters better than his previous films, but even the best of The Prestige, best known duality of conflict between Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale and focus on these two, while the face of this difference The film with the previous films Nolan is a bilateral relationship that was based on his previous films figures in shaping and building the dramatic characters disappearance, for example: in Momento (the relationship between Leonard and Natalie), in The Prestige (Angier and Borden), in Inception (cup and money) this except trilogy The Dark Knight, is very clear from Nolan style of writing texts focus on building the story through the relationships between the characters on the path of confrontation between them and out the latter outcome, a style close to the dialectics mechanism in thought and philosophy, in Interstellar, the situation is different, Nolan played on four figures in Zamanin different Meticulously crafted and highly accurate (Cooper and Amelia / Merv and Tom), and I think from a witness a private film after half of the first and saw it, dealing with montage in this way will put him certainly at the forefront of films that characterized so, the conflict between the characters was his sexy occurred in the course of the story and events, in Alzamanin figures appeared Khalkhalt balance between bilateral characters (Dr. Mann and Getty) and changed the focus of events without taking a comparison between the two characters in the self, but rather the impact of all of them on time Cooper for Dr. Mann and on the Merv time For the Getty.
And the difference here is between Inception and Interstellar is limited first idea and restrictions imposed by the story and the time space on Nolan in his handling of the relatively modest with his characters, he also noted one critic, "uses his representatives mechanical agencies no technical benefit of which only perform what it", this was in fact the essence of problems cited by critics on Inception and reason as mentioned dates back form the story and lack of time even though it was in about 3 hours almost, the door is difficult to be a film in nearly four hours to exit Knulan go to the public more than specialists in Hollywood, in the Interstellar As I mentioned it is a very significant difference of point of use and recruitment of representatives, and what helped Nolan is how you work out as shown in the previous paragraph, it gave way for representatives to deliver what they have of capabilities, especially Matthew McConaughey who gave the performance very well expect of which will receive the nomination at a ceremony next Oscar, as well as the rest of the crew, who managed to perform roles characteristically was not marginal to the story and the viewer as much as superiority in many times, especially in the first half until the end of the film.
Talk about output Christopher Nolan difficult effort that exerted in creating a tense and exciting atmosphere through space flight, Nolan in this film making real space with the assistance of a large number of physics specialists astronomy to know the dimensions and measurements of celestial cosmic and black holes, and interesting to the degree of progress and development who shall inform Nolan as a director of the film to another, but it is very clearly learned from its past mistakes and trying to get to the example, Nolan Prestige is very different from Nolan Ansphn, and Nolan Andreastelar superior to former Alnolanin greater degrees, and excellence in him out this time is the success dazzling in space scenes and successive confrontations between the characters and collisions that are almost devoid of the film between every 15 minutes and the other, I still remember scenes who are difficult to pass so without shedding a viewers of the film tears, and from here we open the door from the description of the movie film feelings and sensations because it was also really charming scenes that captivated viewers, Nolan succeeded in providing a hearty meals poetic and very impressive for the fans, I do not want to go in them to avoid burning film, but a touch Nolan was clear in those scenes.
Is the question and would run for the Oscar this time or not? My opinion is worth, but I do not know Is the quality of modern films Oscar requirements are imposed on them ignored and ignored in the past by David Fincher in the process of wonderful Fight Club and before Se7en, because when they are fixed standards Oscar, they ignore the many masterpieces do not take the right reasons unknown, as is unjust to The Godfather then and being awarded the three prizes only, it is renewed from modern films, it was The Godfather then newly cinematic form that used the Oscars to see it every year, and I found an anomaly so as to novelty, and this is the Godfather real shift between the classic in American cinema and modern cinema, and The relationship between this and that, do movies Nolan became ignore in festivals Oscar because it is modern standards and wishes of the Oscars in terms of value and prize and the charisma enjoyed by and which do not entitle those who wish to give a prize to give it to Nolan and his films, which run rampant in technology and uniqueness of the rest of the film.
Filming was a distinct movements of the camera in the viewer motor was neat and contributed to the completion of the effort in the visual effects, which was in fact a meal visual HUGE Matah, as well as soundtracks great musician too Hans Zimmer, who is collaborating with Chris Nolan for the fifth time after the trilogy Dark Knight and Ansphn and his last film, and of course no more than the words of the critics in stunning visual effects because I think winning 100% certain, I will put a simple Below are the answers to some of the things that Ocklt viewers in the physical film relative positions of Einstein's even the subject of a black hole.
First, with respect to the black hole
After Einstein research long in general relativity revealed by Albert in 1916, which is a geometric theory of gravity, and so as not to go into general relativity, one of the most important elements is to add gravity as a property and an important key in time Engineering and the place and two fourth dimension which toxic later come from outside spacetime, therefore, all the free fall process experienced by the planets are governed by the field of space-time, but with the dynamic of gravity of any of those planets must be the work of curvature, and so-called bending, curvature of spacetime, In Search Einstein said that every heavy object in Space and as if is any man walks in the swimming pool, you'll be of any his movement spatial waves of three-dimensional course, and temporal wave concerning the time and his movement which is exactly what is happening in space when the bodies swim in astronomy Vtkon electromagnetic field waves are difficult to monitor because it is very close the speed of light, and Take Mars, for example, in its rotation around the sun, it creates a continuous Bdoranh gravity waves, as is the Earth and Venus, and had discovered this phenomenon when it was monitoring the two types of neutron stars were orbiting each other.
And what the event horizon area, but it is the end of the end of space-time for each star Fanny, and is the area of ​​the black hole light can escape them, and if we assume that the light has felt greater than the speed quickly, it will reach the end of a certain time even surpass, and this means that the black hole of the great its appeal it attracts different Zmkanin in diagonals very far from the universe, and be a link between the two dimensions and different Zemien in the universe, imagine yourself in a room located between brother room and your sister's room, and you know that between the end of the room wall space sister and between the wall of your brother room is very large indeed, and in fact, the history in your sister's room is 15 and in your brother 11 room, and time in the first chamber 9 pm and the second 7:00, and suddenly your room turn into a black hole, put through the two chambers together But across the horizontal event is located in the far right and the far left and had a long tunnel nucleus underpin the maximum hole attraction, this is the form of the black hole and its impact on the universe, and to stay on our assumption, this black hole that is just, it is a link between two different Zemien and two different places, which means that a link between "Zmkanin" different, any Zemien two different places and completely !!
Second, with regard to the relative
Einstein says because of the vastness of the universe breadth terrible, it is impossible synchronization, and to take on the impact of this example, when the latest I'm a good friend who is studying engineering in Australia, there is a temporary difference between us because we are on one planet, but far away Bmsavtin, but what if we could contact someone live in another galaxy on, for example, Cancer, Venhml Mobile our phone to talk to him being the only possible way, but do you know how much it will take time until it reaches the contact?, will reach him within 6000 years and because the distances horribly universe and astronomical, and this explains the that of light (300,000 km / sec) takes 8 minutes to get out of the sun and up to us, and even up to the end of the galaxy it millions of years needed, but because of the vastness of the universe Kharafi always overlap distances at times and cause a slow, Valndjem that we see by night, he does not exist at all, because it exploded thousands of years ago, Vduh so visiting the globe even turns off and dims, the one who sits with his sweetheart on the beach tells her poetry in inspired massive star that they see, it is mainly, and conclude from this that the universe is a separate Islands sprawling do not touch them.
Movement correlation in time is something that everybody knows, today the land is 24 hours, while the Saturn is 10 hours because it is faster in motion, and on Mercury is a year of Mercury, because the speed of the planet around the same are the same speed at which revolves around the sun, but to what extent the time linked to the Movement ?, with the speed of movement is slowing down time, and this is one of the most important pillars of special relativity, that is, if we put an hour like clockwork, which in the ground, in the same time completely, in seconds and nano seconds exactly, and we launched a rocket in space very quickly and Oadnah to the ground, Fsnlhz that time, which was accompanied by the rocket is too late for that are in the ground, but if you do you will feel in the rocket that time ?, certainly not be delayed, because the slow rhythm of your heart, and all your transactions in the same rocket motor would slow by virtue of Speed, and the discovery that the observer is located in the pavement hard, if you do not know what the amount of change, as our situation is the movement toward many of the things around us.
Tale deceleration time in the same theory gives a serious indicator, if we had, for example, two brothers twin (Mohammed and Jesus), aged 30 years, and we have launched Jesus in a rocket off very quickly in the space of a journey of 20 years, and after those twenty years, due Issa to be surprised that his brother Mohammed had become Kela Ohdba while he is still in the prime of his youth, because what happened while traveling is that time has slowed, while Mohammed grows naturally land laws and speed, Issa grow up rocket laws and speed, Vivajo Mohammed that his twin brother has It became the youngest of it, because of the slowing of time, and this has been proved by rubidium hour later with the passage of the years in a lot of testing which was held on the impact of Einstein's theory.

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