dimanche 13 septembre 2015

«Anger» in Hollywood after the cancellation of a film about the leader of North Korea

Through the directors and representatives in Hollywood yesterday (Wednesday) for their anger, after canceling the company «Sony Pictures» Showing comedy «interview», which deals with North Korea,

Because of threats from hackers launched a major offensive electronically on the company's computers.

He criticized the actors Ben Stiller and Steven Carell and Rob Lowe and director existence of Wapato and presenter of American television programs Jimmy Kimmel, who are all friends of the stellar film Seth Rogaine and James Branco,

A decision the company «Sony» and movie theaters to cancel the movie.

Lowe Representative in the tweet and wrote on the site «Twitter»: «profit hackers. Have achieved full and absolute victory. »

And canceled «Sony Pictures» Showing the film, which was scheduled for 25 December (December), after it decided to defer offers cinemas because of threats from hackers.

The film deals with the story of a miserable television presenter and director of programs record the interview with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, and the and the CIA Ptjennithma to assassinate him.

Camille wrote in a tweet on Twitter that the decision «a cowardly act is an American legitimizes terrorist acts and is a terrifying precedent».

He described Stiller - who directed the film «Zolandr» 2001 about fashion exhibitors trying to assassinate the Prime Minister of Malaysia - the abolition of the film «interview» as «a threat to freedom of expression».

Said Karel, who participated Rogen starring comedies several «a sad day for freedom of creativity».

And publish all of Karel Stiller and pictures on «Twitter» Charlie Chaplin for his film satire of «The Great Dictator» 1940 about Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, while there was no Franco and Rogen any public statements on Wednesday.

A source in the government said that US investigators concluded that North Korea behind-mail attack last month on the company «Sony»

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