lundi 14 septembre 2015

Screen critic: Interstellar Odessa man and Solaris Technology

It kicks off «interstellar» on the ground. The same trip to the space environment do not start soon, but wobbled after more than a third of an hour on the beginning of the film. Nolan is not in a hurry to impress and trip tomorrow and coloring screen space ambient darkness. What he has found him before it on the ground.

So, we are on the ground: The year is not specific, but in the foreseeable future. It decreased oxygen and returned an easy life. Bankhvadh high nitrogen ratio, the film says, people are suffering as food crops. No longer benefit cultivation anything except corn, even this will not live long. Finally scary, but Cooper (Matthew Makounova) probably still has hope what. Is the head of a small family consisting of his son, the young man (Timothy Chalmt) and young daughter Merv (Mackenzie Foy) Donald and his father (John Lithgow) living in the US middle increasingly arid. Here in this period of the film builds Nolan floor of the tale is not alone, but intimacy between family members of human relationships.

The humanitarian situation of renewable is not regulated as soon as transmission Cooper (formerly airman) into space, but also underpin and expand: Cooper now together with Amelia (Anne Hazawai) scientist space daughter of the world's elderly Brand (Michael Caine), who sent Bmlahih these two, and two others, to deep space to explore another planet can be valid for the life of man on earth.

It is a dangerous journey latch on to more than one planet and each planet over the terms of a different life. There are, for example, that the quiet and beautiful lake, but suddenly there are mountains of waves up to advance. Progressing to us. Plaguing us and kill one navigators to escape before the vehicle flogged. But space risks, which dates back to the film at the last his watch, is not alone that lives with Cooper: We've gone through a cosmic years on his journey during which he grew up his daughter and became Jessica Hesten and old son became Saasa Affleck, but it is still, and depending on the differences of life and time between Earth and space small as It began, rather, if he returned to earth (and I'm not going to say if he will come back here or not) will be old for a young man and his daughter.

Director Christopher Nolan takes from the film Stanley Kubrick's dazzling technical in the «2001: A Space Odyssey» and humanitarian concern of Andrei Tarkovsky in the film «Solaris» and Ieljhma Amadaafeen. Do not know what to expect on any level nor Eshettk fantasy adventure film between the scientific and the wonderful humanitarian reveal that connects the earth personalities and characters space. Get lost a little bit before the quarter of an hour from the end, but he returns to his line straight quickly after, but Tohanh that is not the result of weakness or thinness, but merely to extend an additional line could have been bypassed (scene in which Cooper sees where his daughter from behind the parallel 5-world dimensions).

Family essential for the Champions Nolan. Each hero Batman pain caused by the loss of tenderness father. In «reboot» hero Leonardo DiCaprio is looking forward to return to his family. Matthew Makounova here wants to return to his daughter, who accuses him that he abandoned her and the people of the earth when he accepted the task may not return them. In outer space, there are crystallized between him and his partner on the trip, but you can not say that it is a love story though it may end as well.

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