lundi 2 mai 2016

House Of Cards: ugly face of US policy

Tomorrow: @HouseOfCards. No spoilers, please.
This was what was written by Barack Obama, US president, before the start of the second season of the series of house of cards, and yesterday launched the fourth season of the series outstanding which displays directly Kbut global Netfilex site, it is known that the entire season will be available to watch on the same day. Stop the third season, when intense excitement of the moment made the viewers are waiting for the fourth season on pins and needles.
House of Cards is an American television series created by Beau Willimon, produced by David Fincher, Kevin Spacey, Eric Roth, Andrew Davies and Michael Dobbs, is the adaptation of the British series namesake, itself adapted from the novel by Michael Dobbs . The series is broadcast since 1 February 2013 on Netflix in the US and Canada.

First original series from Netflix, it is broadcast simultaneously in Quebec since February 1, 2013 on Netflix2. In Belgium, it is broadcast on BeTV since 14 February 2013 and rebroadcast on The Two since April 20, 20143. In France, the first three seasons were broadcast on Canal + between 29 August 2013 and 16 April 20154, it is now broadcast on Netflix since 4 March 20165. in all Francophone countries, the series is broadcast in French of France, except in Quebec where it is broadcast in Quebec French.
Frank Underwood, elected Democrat in the House and Majority Whip, helped Garrett Walker to become president of the United States in exchange for the promise to become Secretary of State. But before the inauguration of Walker, Linda Vasquez chief of staff told him that the president did not intend to honor his promise. Furious, Underwood and his wife Claire, who relied on the appointment of her husband to develop its environmental protection company, combine to destroy those who oppose their projects.

So Frank goes in search of pieces to get the vice-president that he will eventually get to the end of season 1 by manipulating the president and his entourage. He recruits to do what the member from Pennsylvania Peter Russo, manipulated because of a dissolute private life, and the young and ambitious journalist Zoe Barnes. Frank Underwood is a manipulator and devoid of scruple man, desperate to get his way: one account for him to conquer the summits of power.

At the end of season 2, he managed to oust its multiple opponents and undermine President Garrett Walker in a scandal that will force him to resign the presidency. Frank Underwood succeeds and then reached his ultimate goal: the US presidency.

On many occasions, the main character uses aside: Frank Underwood regularly addresses the viewer looking at the camera, breaking the fourth wall, and enabling him to put his ideas or have them guess the viewer.
Policy guide for beginners
Is a series of house of cards of the series, which distinctive not only bad policy, as the black and tricks that take place, but he admits you into the details of those games even feel that some things have been exposed to what they have. When you see reconcile America and Iran, or strained America's relationship with Saudi Arabia in moments, or news and analysis on the hidden tension between Obama and Netanyahu in prior periods; will change your vision of the events after watching the series. Before the Show Serial some things look in terms of our heritage and our beliefs and our education impossible things happening, and mostly Nerjaha war on religion, ethics, or simply a desire to Western us hegemony, nor damage as well as the return comes to the wars of the fourth and fifth generation, and after them, but after watching the series Things differ certainly does not mean they will vary to adopt a more positive about what the West is doing, but often will just see different justified realistically far from the attribution of religious wars or nationalism, things will be more complex and intertwined for our perceptions of Statistics, and certainly best expression of those complications and entanglements two series champion Frank and Claire Ondrod. Will make the series is certainly more mature vision of events, this is the minimum that may Tstvidh of watching the series.

Frank and Claire: the devil finds his life companion
No consolation, in heaven or earth no others, and lonely, hungry, we fight each other, pray for myself, for me myself »Frank Underwood

Begins the series and Frank Underwood whip (whip is the head of the parliamentary bloc) Democratic Party in the Senate, is under shock after the presidential election, where he was deported from the post of foreign minister promised, here begins the series and begin the long journey Frank.

At first glance it seems that personal dominant firm, playing with his blocks and could direct to Tsoatadth, well known as the other party filaments -alhzb Algmehora- can Mlaabthm and the imposition of votes to block what they are, used several methods such promises and mutual benefits with blocks, or threatened with legal or illegal ways .

With loops passage discover personalized Frank, a nihilist personal Ntchoah (relative to Nietzsche) par excellence, does not believe only the strong struggle, man was not born only for survival and for himself, and because Frank knows his strength and he knows the weaknesses of others; began his plan with his wife, Claire, scheme to control the world, this statement is not an exaggeration, these ideas Underwood, there is no God and therefore no warrior for personal ambition only absurd conditions and other personnel, and therefore would not mind taking over the world, and certainly door policy and promotion in the US election after another stage, is the way available until reaching the goal.

Frank has no values ​​or ethics would prevent him from reaching his goal, he does not believe in all these things, it is only a propaganda exploited if any benefit from them.

Relationship with Frank and Claire are probably the most important relationships that have emerged in the work of art, devil man met his partner in its objectives, the goal of world domination is not the goal of Frank alone, but the goal of Claire with him.

The couple agreed to a lack of them boys, they are alone in the world will not remain childless others to complete the march of unity, will run in their fight and die, and then the war ends will not be completed. Relationship with Frank and Claire are among the most Relations transparency, they love the fact that the relationship and satanic based on transparency unusual, Vfrank not betray his wife he knows he needs another temporary relationship is the same thing, tensions between them may enter the doubt in Ras Clare little faith in their love occur, but in the end you realize illusions and quickly reverted to Frank.

Will not hate Frank and Claire, but you will see a model of respect and clarity, Frank and Claire are the best expression of American policy, they are the most obvious reverse current US politicians who do not realize what they're doing.

Press and media and the illusion of democracy
Democracy is something very exaggerated. Frank Underwood

It reveals the serial illusion of freedom and neutrality of the press and media organizations, as well as career advancement in the newspapers, where the series shows the dependence of most media organizations big key of the two parties in the United States, but the subordination of some of those institutions to the parties within one of the two parties, and career advancement in the political sections, which depends on dependency and draw closer from one of the major figures in a partisan presidents, and individual space to fight his opponents and display Mstreetah own, and for journalists sexual relations may be the way to promotion.

Frank believes that democracy is a kind of illusion, the Democratic leadership is smart people, backed by businessmen to implement their interests, the series of house of cards American politics appears as a toy in the hands of some businessmen who dominate the party and draft laws through the back door.

Success in the democratic system is by exploiting the criteria and previous budgets, the exploitation of capitalists and recreation journalistic institutions, and balances the pressure of the global political system and international standards of circumstances, those things Frank excelled where he can put pressure on the strongest and most vulnerable parties.

Breaking the fourth wall
Perhaps what made the series touches the audience is hard to break the fourth wall technology, a technique that makes heroes out artwork from the framework of the series and its dimensions to send a message or a dialogue with parties outside dimensions of the series Kalmhahidin.

Frank in the series tell you, but considers you his friend, who tells him his ideas and his vision of the life of the current and feelings, moments of anger and joy, moments of pretending and moments of sincerity, it will be honest with you more than sincerity with Claire, you as a viewer considers his friend, the only one recognized by the deed. This will make you integrate quickly with Frank and Stbadelh friendship and will live with him his experience honestly, breaking the fourth wall of the most important things in the series, and perhaps the house of cards the most brilliant work of art which used this technology professionally and honestly.

A look at the technical side
In terms of representation Kevin Spacey gave his usual performance very workmanship, until you feel that no one can fulfill the role like him, personal suitable for Spacey from the first physical point of view, and secondly in terms of acting style, Vcepci aka chameleon Hollywood certainly will lead role of a chameleon American politics powerfully and Bacaresmh personal President . Robin White, the role of Claire Underwood probably remember its role in the forrest gump movie with Tom Hanks, but this time after a period of time plays a different role, women are smart and cruel process Her unbridled ambitions and conflicting emotions. Mastery of Robin White would make him the most important role to play perhaps in her life. Michael Kelly in the role of Doug gave one of the finest secondary roles, especially in Part III, assistant Frank henchman and port dirty desires, which is located in humanitarian feelings does not have to be fought, that conflict in those personal flour and implementation of Michael Caine, in a nutshell is a series of the most beautiful serials represented either major or secondary roles.

We talked about the text and the technology to break the fourth wall, but will not fail to show relies on dialogue than on events, its branches serial dialogues Frank and Claire and the rest of the characters, ideas offered by Frank, you as a viewer, frank dialogues between political figures, all these things make the scriptwriters and dialogue the responsibility of choosing the camel talk accurately, they are the backbone of the series, and they have succeeded in all parts, but a few sentences may be perpetuated for example, statements reflect the policy.

Directors episodes contributed to the output of this elaborate painting and selection of heroes and implemented correctly and accurate way, as well as the different approaches with a different theme of the seminar and the selection of appropriate lighting and music that dominated by the classic character.

There is no doubt that the series of house of cards is the duty of everyone who is interested in political affairs is evidence of a pilot well anyone trying to understand how the policy is managed in the United States, and in the new season we will see what is heading to Adventure Frank and Claire 
for world domination.
Casting [edit | modify the code]
Fincher has managed to get the actor he wanted for each role principal9. During the first reading, he told them: "I want everyone to know that here you are our first choices - each actor is the first choice for these characters. So do not merdez "10.9. Kevin Spacey, who had not given regular role in a series since Wiseguy, accepted the role just before going on stage interpret Richard III, what Fincher considered as "good training" 9. It is added to the distribution 18 March 201111.

Robin Wright was approached by Fincher for a role in the series during the Millennium location: Men who did not like women (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) 9. Production announces its selection as performer Claire Underwood in June 201112. Kate Mara is chosen to embody Zoe Barnes early February 201213. Rooney His sister worked with Fincher on Millennium: The men who did not like women (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo), and when Kate Mara read the role of Zoe, it "fell in love with the character" and asked his sister to "drag a word from him for Fincher." A month later, she was contacted for a audition14.

Turning [change | modify the code]
The first two seasons of the series were filmed in Maryland, but a change in the law on the taxation of employment has forced to postpone filming the third season and change lieu15. After two months of negotiations, production reached an arrangement that keeps turning in Maryland16.

Diffusion [change | modify the code]
In the US and Canada, the thirteen episodes have been proposed simultaneously streaming Netflix on 1 February 201317. Spacey supported the idea to broadcast all the episodes at once, convinced that this will become more common with the television series . He said about it: "When I ask my friends what they do during their weekend, they say, 'Oh, I stayed at home and watched three seasons of Breaking Bad or two seasons Game of Thrones' "18.

The first season is broadcast in French on Be 1 from 14 February 2013 and on Canal + from 29 August 2013. A second season of thirteen episodes was commissioned by Netflix19. The thirteen episodes were released February 14, 2014 written in English but also in French Version québécois20. The second season is broadcast in French on Be 1 from 20 February 2014 on Canal + from March 13, 2014.

The series is also broadcast in China on the site Sohu.com21. The second season topped the list of most downloaded American series, with 24.5 million downloads in February 2014, made essentially from Pékin22. In Australia, where Netflix is ​​available only since 2015, the series was broadcast on Showcase chain. In New Zealand, the first two seasons were broadcast by TV3 (in).

February 12, 2015, the third season of the series is posted in error on the US Netflix platform during thirty minutes

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