dimanche 1 mai 2016

Films «Part II» dominates the cinema in 2017

Cherished dream of one or more persons, lost and confused ideas haunt the creator, I found the film and found some of these dreamers Dhalthm them. Cinema is home to the imagination and the implementation of the dreams and thoughts stray, where the creator finds the opportunity to design his committee and Jehamh. In the world of cinema camera maid dreams, but you home cinema creators always?

Seem logical answer to this question, as cinema is home to creators, is also home production giants. The product is someone who wants to profit in the first place, especially in the Cinema characterized capitalism American cinemas. If we look at the map of film production for the following years we will see in the next year, in 2017 the prevalence of the phenomenon of movies in a row parts, especially films Part II, and includes this season's cinematic films such as «Pirates of The Caribbean» and «Bad Boys» and «The Smurfs» and other films , which leads us to wonder: Are these films need all these parts, or is it the pursuit of profit and investment to successful experiences for one reason or another ?, or is it poverty creative and re-open the old files ?, questions that are answered by this report, a review of a variety of different models of the production plan Film for 2017.
Sony's film production company decided to re-submit a second part of the film «The Equalizer». Despite some exaggerations in the events of the first part accepted at times and is accepted at other times, the film grossed a mass and critically acclaimed success of the performance of «Denzel Washington» the film. A second part of this film production is an investment for the success of the first part only, and not because of the traffic on the preset plan. Blurry things about the second part did not identify the director, and only «Denzel Washington» which is selected from the cast.

The events of the first part revolves around (McCall), a retired army man, an American of African descent, to fake an incident of his death to live his life quietly Menthla a new name. Coincidentally trying to save a girl named (Terry) of some of the people; which Aorth with a serious Russian gangs operating in the area of ​​prostitution, smuggling and illegal actions, Feinsb conflict between Russian gang that defends the interests of illegal and Cole, the man who is looking for justice and equality. The film is directed by Antoine Fuqua, starring Denzel Washington and Martin Kssowskas and Chloe Moritz.

Expected that the story does not get out of another conflict implicating the «Cool» in order to achieve justice and the fight against illegal entities, as well as to uncover some clues in the past «Cool» that have not been shown in the first part. The second part of the exhibition fails because it is just trying to invest in the success of the first part as well as to blur the team.
A film «Marvel Cinematic Universe» or (MCU), which will present the second part of it in July 2017. Before presenting the first part of the film most observers predicted lack of success due to the novelty of the original storyboard (appeared in 2008), but once coming in theaters met success great, with some Rate as the best films (MCU) is generally superior to the «Iron Man» and «Captain America» and «Ovngerz». The majority agreed that the best films «Marvel» in terms of comedy and choose songs and music. The film was nominated for the Oscar awards for Best Makeup, and Best Visual Effects.

The events revolve the first part in another galaxy between five figures; «Peter Coyle» thief precious pieces, and «Jmura» daughter «Thanos» villain, and «Rki» hybrid animal, and his friend «Groot» tree and are based hunting trophies together (persons wanted for trial) and «Darox» prisoner. Five people brings a piece called «Orbit» heroes are exposed to many troubles because of this piece exceptional.

In the second part we complete the five heroes of the story in a new challenge to face in the task of guarding the galaxy from the dangers. After the unexpected success of the first part will face the second part makers two fundamental challenges; the first, which is the hardest after the success did not expect one in the first part, fans and lovers «Marvel» waiting for a second, at least in part the same as the first level. Given the quality of the story the film-makers may not be able to outdo the first part, but some of the risks to modify the scenario in the second part first. Perhaps it is already happening; because the third phase of Marvel films in Tksimitha will see many of the radical changes that will start the civil war between the heroes of the series. The second challenge is also related to the scenario, and how it will connect five heroes Balovngerz ongoing conflict over control of the galaxy. In the second part of Champions will join Elizabeth Depki and Slavestr Stallone.
The second part of the movie King Kong, which revolves around a director trying to shoot a film on the island of lost, looking for a representative holds the title role in the film, and by chance found the right girl for that role. Director sailing team work towards the island, however, deceiving them by saying they Heading Towards the Singapore and find them primitive tribe, kidnaps the heroine and offered an offering to the king «King Kong», who is locked in fierce battles with dinosaurs and huge objects to protect the heroine, which was able to escape, and is located (Kong) in a trap The director sets up and moves him to New York city. The film starring «Naomi Watts» and directed «Peter Jackson» His triple the legendary «The Lord of The Rings».

There is no doubt that the first factors that characterize «King Kong» and perhaps even some say the most important factor is the director «Peter Jackson»; Fjackson which has a historic shift in the humanization of monsters and the emergence of a human drama entity to them, perfectly accompanied by high technical and innovative ways. Will remain the cinema has always preferred to remember Peter Jackson invented or developed, on this basis was «Peter Jackson» a good choice, but a great choice that made the modern film «King Kong 2005» superior to the classic version in black and white.

The new part missing filmmaker Peter Jackson, who was replaced Palmkrj young «Jordin Roberts» a directorial experiences Ltd. which features some fantasy and comedy did not achieve a high success as a film The King of Summer. And take part in the writing of the film four books, two of whom were nominated for «Oscar» Previously, the crew of «Brie Larson» working and «Samuel L. Jackson» and «Tom Hidleston». It does not have any story announcing the details of the next part but is expected to return to the island's past and its history and discover who is «Kong.»
The second part of the film handle animation «The Croods» which was introduced in early 2013, starring «Emma Stone» and «Nicolas Cage». Spin the first part is about the girl who lives with her family in a closed cave afraid their father from the outside world risks, Faisna their world is a narrow cave and its surroundings and foreclosed infect this region. Some risks lead to blockage of the cave occur, forcing the family to come out to face the outside world for the first time. The film shows the point of view of a father who is afraid of the risks to his family, and the daughter who yearn for freedom.

The film also won a great success when it was introduced and was nominated for the prize «Oscar» for animated films. RPR The first part is simple, both in the presentation of the story that holds content and target the message, without the cost or complexity of the technology, it is not «Rango» Ptguenyate staggering, it is a simple movie and its simplicity is the distinctiveness points, in addition to playing with your imagination infantile in the picturesque scenes of exhilarating.

Part II will continue the same work crew. Perhaps the production of the second part is the desire of the company's investment in the success of the first part. And expected to see a new adventure for the family after their integration into the outside world, and what will be the second part knot? , Will continue the same simplicity, or Sasiba affectation?

Horror film «zombie», who speaks about the epidemic that is spreading and prevents humans alive dead (zombie). This epidemic is threatening the whole world with extinction, professor of virology at the University of Harvard University is trying to prosecute the virus by his girl left by, but it kills when the first encounter. Adopting the task former United Nations employee «Jerry Lynn» which in turn «Brad Pitt» which is racing against time in order to cope with this deadly virus that brought down governments and armies. The film starring «Brad Pitt» and directed «Mark Foster».

Achieved the first part rally and cash remarkable success, and even described as the best zombie movie was produced. All these factors have made the producing company completed the story and decided to produce the second part of the film, which is expected to increase the ferocity of the conflict. And away from the end of the first part, but to complete the «Brad Pitt» tournament, and failure to complete the mission directorial Marc Foster did not specify any details about the second part.

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