jeudi 5 mai 2016

Best in 2010

Alkwynz back this year after last year disappointment, after cold surrender and the slow addition to the fall of the technically and turnout of the film (a serious man), Alkwynz this year offer adapted the film from the first two destinations of the novel and the second film in the late sixties Representative John Wayne, who won the time the Oscar , given the history of Alkwynz in total in films such as (the brutish for the elderly, the intersection of Muller, Fargo) comes at the top and the rest P falls under the classification of Khanh worth seeing with the exception of a serious man and lady-killers. This year comes a movie (True Grit) b distinctive crew but great in winning the Oscar last year, Jeff Bridge is in the title role in this film, as well as Matt Damon in the role of assistant Josh Berlin as a guest of honor at work.
Alkwynz faced several challenges in this first work is independence from the original work made in the past, and the second is not to go out dramatically about the origin of the novel, these challenges made it work loses touch that is characterized by Alkwynz in the overall Avlamanma, in scenes of this work to Aadzm that work has managed by two brothers with the exception of a simple comic scenes with the people of Texas language that are considered are by him in films Alkwynz, P action came as it were restructured earlier film the same events and the same characters, and the change that conducted Alkwynz did not work, change is reported here for the sentiments Alkwynz that the film Q holds Nzerthma own novel!,
Beginning of the film they give a nice impression of the work, especially the provision of action figures, which are characteristically very excelled where Jeff Bridge, in serious and sometimes indifference in many times great interest money and Asrafh in alcoholic beverages in addition to comedy in the dialogue are characteristic of personal Jeff, who within a inevitable seat among the five candidates in the upcoming Oscars, but the probability of winning the weak presence of in-form Colin Firth.
The first half of the work is good if we consider that he was providing action figures for the provision of personal offender's (Tim Cheney), the other half was not as expected, in the absence of the emergence of personal Ebav and rely on chance made the film loses a lot of fun, scenes made me I doubt Do you work right from providing Alkwynz!. Perhaps one of the most prominent (Rostr plopped into the distance, and Ebav unconscious, and matte suddenly fell into the hole, but not be afraid Q comes Rostr from afar and deliver her) I felt that Alkwynz whenever ended solutions have to Jio veto mean to chance or in the form of last versatility hero!
The film overall is worth the scenes, but will not have a word in the Oscars and not his candidacy for the Golden Glun did not make me surprised, the only one within a run from my point of view is Jeff Bridge to change my., And if you're a fan Alkwynz to Ataathms much to work for it as you lose touch that you find always in their films, the scenario sinned and loopholes to Angtafr, few favors by RPR their work in a personal dispute Rostr there heroine's distinctive Josh Berlin and behind it the soundtrack that was distinctive and overshadowed a lot of movie  scenes
2009 is a principle of the best of the new millennium years, due to the existence of a huge amount of senior directors, actors who are waiting screen their films this year in the presence of the old Clint Eastwood and veteran Martin Scorsese and the Coen brothers and the Chinese Angie Lee and Stephen Sodberj and Ron Howard and Peter Jackson and Rob Marshall and Quentin Tarantino and Jim Sheridan and Alejandro Guansales addition to Sam Mendes and Spike Jones and Woody Allen and Tony Scott and Guy Ritchie and John Wright and Paul Greengrass and Michael Mann. This avalanche of directors expected to showcase their work this year makes us certain that this year will be one of the best years in view of the beginning of 2009, we find that the beginning was reassuring and powerful bit and this is contrary to what happened in the past few years, in which the Observers waited until the end of the months of the year until out film befitting road, in the last three months, there are several movies collected between artistic and technical integration and perhaps in the forefront of the Russian film "12" and the movie James Gerry director "lovers" by the way, the last acts of the star Joaquin Phoenix, who retired from the cinema once and as he put it, and he went to the music ., and film director Wayne Kramer "during transit," the Canadian film "one week" as well as a film director Alex Rois "known" ..

Movie "known" comes from the films distinctive so far this year the undisputed, Egypt The way out birth sac Rois has managed to avoid the mistakes that occurred in his previous films, especially in the I.Robot with the actor Asmar Will Smith and was able to return to the glories of his months "Dark City". , the movie "known" tells about the world of John Koestler and professor of astrophysics at the Massachusetts Institute of technology, he lives and his son Caleb, who was fifty years ago in the school of his son, there was a celebration of the capsule will be placed in the ground and open after the fiftieth year and requests parameter of each student and asked him to put charted for what will be the future and will be all the all the papers shall in this capsule., after fifty years opens the envelopes and take son the world Caleb paper by painting full of figures, which were the signal indications for Korat occurred during the past fifty years and the disasters will occur in the future., since the film is did not provide a new story, there are several movies talked about Korat will happen to the planet or the end of the world it is imminent and perhaps in the forefront of war of the worlds, directed by Steven Spielberg and Falcano starring Tommy Lee Jones and independence day and the day after tomorrow's German director Ronald Aimirah., but Maambz film is put several questions to watch not only is only displayed visually stunning !!

The way out Alex Rois, which was introduced in 98 most prominent work, "Dark City", which was a cross between Action and melancholy and visual effects., And this director Alex characteristic that not confined his films on the scenes of explosions without a story as Michael Bay or Ngtit gaps in the text as does director Zack Snyder! !. P Alex is trying to introduce the idea through Maaard Perhaps the film "known" is a living example of what I'm talking about The way out Alex put forward several philosophical questions of religious from the fact that events Is it just a coincidence or the ability, you can change some of them or is it imposed on us and here raises the biggest question in the sense Are man can change things if you are aware of them or the inevitability of things and overworked .. well is how we act if we know the end of the planet in one day !!.

Star Nicolas Cage offers a distinctive role in the film, which has always characterized the choices these kinds of films he previously made a film that respects human minds "disarmament of the face, the rock, the master of the war, Ken R, a spokesman with the wind .. etc." Valndjem Nicholas excellence in these equity which are a cross between Action, drama or drama, war and others, it has been an excellent role in addition to their previous films mentioned above. Either through other work performances were featured there is little Representative Chanldr, who acted as the son Caleb made a fantastic role and actress Ross Bernie that appeared in half of the film made a good role .. visual effects and photography was amazing and very special, "which is the same crew was in film Die Hard Part IV "influences, wisely used in the film was not a tyrant and did not eyeball in the film and perhaps the scene of the crash is stuck in my mind until this moment, the scene was close to reality and had been watching the fall of the fact that a plane on channels such as the BBC or CNN

The most prominent filmmaker Alex Rois features he did not draw on Substances Ngtit gaps in the story or the scenario is as Zack Snyder has done in his film Watchmen .. did not give the film Korathi to azathioprine added everything as Spielberg did, "War of the Worlds" scenario to work was stunning and airy it is to Aatrah only Korathih issue but added by several important questions, as in the scene in the first film Mahazerh .. compendium film offers fun in performance and output facility powerfully visual and audio at the highest level

is director David Fincher of the elite class in the output of US cinema in excellence in the presentation of his films is impressive and the chosen film powerful and mysterious texts in his films, and a few were somewhat, but it is always steady and strong text throughout the film period, P staring Pflmh Fight Club, which occupies the my personal ranked third as one of the best films ever passing through the movie crime thriller seven until we get to his films of Benjamin Button, girl with the Dragon tattoo, Zodiac, the game

In 2010, said David Fincher he would present the film mimics the story of the founder of the famous "Facebook" social networking site staff young In the beginning, I was not one of the strongest optimists film, so check first for two reasons: the fact that the film features a crew of young unknown way or another, the second reason was in the year 2010 in particular, and it was a pure and distinctive cinematic year, but Fincher blew Mphajith young Btaqmh and won the 136 film award, including three Academy Awards and four of them for Gulden Globe gave the film an interesting fixed text and stunning montage

This year, David Fincher back and this time choose to bet, another choice is bad crew and hated on the level of representation in staring Ben your sponsor candidate for five awards at the Razi sponsored festival for the worst performances in the cinema through Bresmond Baki which have not made throughout her career any eye-catching role, tumble big and worst Nothing in between your sponsor, but in the choice of writer and director Perry Talro his series movies grandma materially Ill quite the excretory and representative level. outclassed the nominations Razi your sponsor in terms of granting eight nominations and won one of them. I do not know the reason for the bet director David Fincher on this crew, but no one can work with this optimism, especially with this crew .. but who knows q always surprise us Venture distinctive Macs

In conclusion, I can see a light at the end of the road is not in the display propaganda encouraging but little cooperation Venture with cinematographer Jeff Kroneut and the owner of the montage featured Baxter Creek .. I hope that does not surprise us Fincher but I bet it

American splendor
The famous critic Albert Roger says when it comes to Bmhahdta of films I "sure to foreign Alutaiiqh independent films movies" and partial latter is Maehmna in this topic, Valavlam independent and was suffering greatly from the weakness of the budget, but it's always the foregoing facet filmmaker looked away from the pressures of producing companies therefore these films are to be the focus of attention at festivals like Cannes, which is considered a strong outlet for such quality. Q oldest in my blog on a weekly close look for the most prominent independent films previously wrote about the French film hatred In this article Q talking about a very distinctive film American Splendor, a US production

 The film offers us the life story of writer comic stories Harvey Baker and his suffering with depression disease to his marriage and his reputation for the way his writing American Splendor, the film secret on two Mtoizin They provide the film in a way documentaries real and brought Harvey to tell us his story and then move on to Paul Jmata which in turn reflects our role Harvey in the remaining scenes, they have been relying too much on the fact that the viewer conducted by Harvey Baker in the television program and the most important was the David Letterman program. The screenplay is very special did not make the film a documentary, not a purely dramatic fully in the book and Robert Sherry scenario tried to merge the two together and make a film regales and tightens the supervisor has succeeded in that.

  The film gained several awards and cinematic nominations the most important Oscars, Cannes, Alcoldn Globe, Festival films independent and others, the film one of the top films and independent owner of a stunning screenplay and directed a pleasant stay remained to refer to the role of Paul Jmata which is a strong challenge to him that the film profile will appear real and must he has to convince viewers strongly embodiment of the role and not to divert them, however, he succeeded and firmly in his portrayal of the role and considered one of the main roles he made in his career.

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