dimanche 1 mai 2016

Mystery is awful bloody background [Another 2012]

I think that watching a Japanese film based on the success of the novel and anime bears the same name is is rare forum of world cinema, but perhaps this issue serve as a catalyst so that you watch anime Khkh, I originally wanted to write about Japanese films strongest adapted for comics such as travelers Kenshin and Movie death Note (trios), etc., but since everyone loves horror .. and this film falls Ranked .. and one of his best work lately, I decided to write about it, I consider the same reason that prompts me to write about horror movies more than the rest of the film, feeling tension and fear are two of the things that we all love while watching technical Products, so I'll try Amtaekm in these few lines from my review of the new humble

Japan used to be superior in the animation / anime for decades, and as a viewer of anime has always loved productions, particularly related to «Action» and «horror», and the secret of its success mainly depended on the successful comic and sometimes novels reputable, and what to bring anime success only and become the ability to convert to a movie is necessary, it started from the need to transfer successful animation experiments to screen the silver, so that people see it, so that people did not like the cartoon, and was the introduction of the idea of ​​a realistic film or the Live Action this solution effectively is transfer anime events as an act of a film and his portrayal as required from time, the idea is not new. it began in the early twentieth century (1900), and yet the Japanese have provided a wonderful work in this area by comparing the productions with American movies such as the Smurfs etc. the latter are geared for children but the art of Japanese anime and novel prompt for all. He currently serves as the weakness Sinmahm, stories and threads started treating her remains worthwhile to pursue, no matter how different their ratings and multiplied. In this review I will talk about a business that has been successful as a novel, then a story illustrated, and then Konumei, what was the only Japanese film production and realistic film keeps its impact and Akhaldha
Another is the name of a novel by mystery and horror written by Yukito Ayatsuji, it began publication in the twenty-ninth of October 2009 by the Japanese publishing company Kadokawa Shoten magazine Yasei Jidai in twenty-one chapters, following the success of the novel around the author to the graphic novel published the first chapters in the month May the year 2010, and the last chapter of which the publication last month of 2011 with the help of Hiro Kiyohara in the drawing, the achievements of mango had the same success of the novel, thus became a matter of making it inevitable Anime advance. Anime released between the beginning of 2012 and the middle of a total of 12 episodes, then it's the turn of the film was promulgated two months later no more

The story about a student who recently passed down to the junior high school named Skakibara Koichi (Quinto Yamazaki), who moved a section known as B3-3 (intended to Chapter III of the Third Division), which is accompanied by an ominous section horrific incidents, including the death of his students in different ways in each year ! So that this section of the scary history long associated with the phenomenon is difficult to show the reality of the imagination! Before the twenty-six years (1972) ,, one of the students died of this chapter, which had enjoyed overwhelming popular among her colleagues consider leaving them alive!, Rejecting the idea of ​​her death and her departure for their world, they were Ihdthonha and treat her as a beard! On graduation day when he picked up the students group photograph them as usual, they noticed the presence of the imagination of the dead, including their girlfriends! It had been present in the picture like a living actually, while in reality is ghost .. spirit became sitting dismissal does not leave him, and only one year only, and started the season students die in strange ways, and in violent incidents did not move, not only this but that damn long relatives than making them believe that they opened the doors of evil is inevitable, with a succession of years discovered the students section 3.3 way to avoid the constant death is inevitable, and that the people ignored them! All they have is considered one of classmates is so damn stop and ends with a series of deaths. That's not all That spirit inhabiting one of the students who died because of them came back to life! And the same student who referred to him as the "other" does not know the truth until his death!. With the advent of the hero "Skakibara" discovered that the student chosen to consider is the Misaki Mai (ie Hashimoto), Venbzt and it has also been ostracized while speaking to decided being a breach of the laws in place, but soon returned the series of deaths of the scene the death of a lot of students section and teachers inside the school and outside summoned search for alternative solutions to stop the tragedy that left many victims so far
Wrote the script Sachiko Tanaka and Tacchi Vorosawa, and I have not read the novel and settled for watching anime and manga Vsoktefi what I saw through them, a strong main characters is built on a solid foundation, not speed up the submission nor disorder in Alodoaralamsndh her, the success of this is largely due to the novel its .. and even though the secondary characters I did not like a time of its appearance but actually to story characters, all influential force fabulous role in the course of events, this despite the fact that representatives who were chosen to play the roles seem older than working on paper characters, I mean, as students of junior high, they do not Itlaimon with it, but their roles convincing covered it and kept the champions story as the basis for its success, the event distorted to a large extent, especially scenes of death of the characters, for example, in the anime die one of the characters due to fall from the top of the stairs to the bottom and lined head spire of the umbrella in her neck, but was changed incident, the film while maintaining the bloody scene, then there are many personalities he has the same change, the professor who commits suicide in front of his disciples die unintentionally film, but all that did not affect the plot at all, but rather a wire clerk text-oriented differently than he is Balonumei even Do not consume what has been consumed by, although I did not favor a change of scenery known Balonumei in its infancy when the lists on the ears student story 26 years ago, it was a presentation useful contribute to pushing the scenes in the ambiguity of the story and make it awaits, in spite of this we see support elements Others in the provision of the story while maintaining the ambiguity of the most important and beautiful music prowess which photographer to cover several drawbacks that would spoil the atmosphere of the work as a whole. Footage relating to the death of the characters and the crucial events were presented in a smart way, where the incident time is placed in front of the viewer to prepare himself to what he will see, and according to what I found the film based on the events of the novel primarily so it may be said of each event with the time of the incident came from, but that the most important Maakhmata to work is not referring every major event on the unit, the novel, for example, consists of 677 pages, and shops that are all the events covered in the film duration of 104 minutes regardless of the shortcuts, and anime, for example, which consisted of 12 episodes had taken his time in the presentation of all important events novel and separate them and explain what will help the viewer to understand the ambiguity of the story, but the film jumped over it and watch summed up in a relatively good view of the figures with scenes of bloody killings frightening, then came to the conclusion that resolve matters. So I would recommend the film will see that followed Balonumei. Although this has been the writers really did a great job and contributed to a certain extent in the presentation of exciting and mysterious story of such a monstrously

One of the things that may not be known to many people is that Sachiko Tanaka has co-authored two films successful text one film Alderma Tokyo sonata and the other is Antoki no inochi, while the Tacchi Vorosawa achievements also and including a film drama romantic Kyô, koi o hajimemasu and film horror Rûmumeito, so Fajttiarhma such a beautiful work is characterized by a mixture of drama school with the traditional horror was a former planning long as it looks, which gave the text character aesthetically pleasing flavor and grainy despite the bloody nature of the dominant and that I see exaggerated some scenes
Directed Tacchi Vorosawa was distinctive, improves provide the viewer in a way to make you feel like you see it for the first time, I'm talking here about the Saw anime, those who did not watch it Vonsahhm pass the manga and anime for a greater understanding of the story and enjoy the many to bring about turns, strong bloody scenes do not forget to use psychotropic visual form so professional, the atmosphere filled with anxiety and fear, and management wonderful representatives of the most important attributes the success of the movie, filmed Tokotho Kikomura good contributes to live the terrifying experience, and music guru Aasekawa beautiful work fitted nicely

Performances are very good, especially from any Hashimoto Quinto Yamazaki and the role of the main heroes of the film, the rest of the staff were good performances

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