mardi 3 mai 2016

Is it worth the movie The Revenant Oscar?

He wrestled Dibba and brutal, and hid the body of a horse, raw liver counts, and photos of his new film in extremely cold weather conditions, but the question that arises is here; is it worth Leonardo DiCaprio -aly everything Volh- Oscar ?! This is what we are trying to answer in our analysis of the film «return» or The Revenant and the role of Leonardo DiCaprio in it.
It is a film and Western US and provoking directed by Alejandro González Iñárritu, set in 1823 and inspired by the life of a fisherman fur frontiersman Hugh Glass. Text of writing Mark L. Smith and Inarritu, partly adapted from the novel of the same name by Michael bank. The film, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy and Will Poulter and Dominal Gleason.
The film premiered at the Chinese Theater TLC in Los Angeles December 16, 2015 and issued in a limited way in the December 25, 2015 and was followed by wide release on January 8, 2016. The film received positive reviews from critics, especially DiCaprio and Hardy's performance and directed by Inarritu and depiction of Obzqui. The film ran for 12 Oscars, won three of them are: Best Cinematography for Obzqui, and best director for Alejandro, and best actor for Leonardo DiCaprio
The story and the story (Hugh Glass)

The film's budget was about $ 135 million, while the revenues in his editorial in galleries around forty million dollars, amounting to domestic revenue so far more than 183 million, while reaching a total Alairadt to 526 493 034 $ million after nearly five months of the screening of the film in all parts the world
Directed by Alejandro Gonzalez Anarret starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy watching a movie, quoting from real events, the story of steadfastness Hunter American fur «Hugh Glass» against the harsh nature of the circumstances, after he was attacked by a bear savage and almost kills his life, «Hugh» trying to survive to take revenge on the man who killed his son and left him likely to die in a forest covered with snow. US report we presented previously said that the story of the killing of son «Hugh» fully fabricated to create the main plot of the events, and we believe that Lula revenge theme highlighted in the film continued to see us after him and caught the bear attack.

In order to survive after the bear attack, do «Hugh» impossible, beginning to crawl long distances body is infected, the end devour fish, liver, raw, and the end of the sleep inside the body of a dead horse after he empties his intestines in his hands, the whole sickening scenes almost forcing some viewers leave the exhibition hall, while impressed by the rest of the viewers as they watched «DiCaprio» slave boy in the film «Titanic», which killed almost kill himself in front of the camera to draw the attention of those in charge of the Oscars!

Photography and montage.

Although regular and direct a movie plot, but it must be recognized that the style of photography that has been followed to portray the events was a way distinct, leaving a strong influence in the minds and hearts of viewers, and perhaps the first glimpse of the non-traditional method of imaging, is filming a scene Indians attack on Americans in the beginning the film, in which he played a symphony of creativity cameras smart editing, who tried to shoot long scenes without breaking, relying primarily on the follow-up movement of actors on the screen from the beginning to the end of the panoramic participated, befuddled eyes of viewers and attract them to follow very attentively since the beginning of the scene to finish . Only then we started to pick up our breath and hope the case that we put the director «Anarret».

Cinematic tricks

Best Tricks film are those that are not picked up by the eyes of viewers easily, scenery bear attack and the fall of the horse Brakph of the highest peak Mount and other scenes, the camera was offered spontaneously and spontaneous, but we all know the size of effort to remove them for the screen properly and appropriately, and does not cause tension for the viewer's eye and passes on his mind unnoticed can not guess the trick when it started and when it ended.

Attributed here fully credited director «Anarret» who could employ tricks factor very intelligently, and without ego or Come on scenes, which led to regard scenes tricks in one movie of the best scenes tricks and most convincing, Needless to find out that «Leonardo DiCaprio» contributed to reduce the size of cinematic tricks to reduce its interest-Aqsa filmed many dangerous scenes himself, Bmacaiaj took more than five hours at a time!

Scenario of events and the snare of boredom

Will not prevent us technical level of excellence of the film from the recognition that we felt bored with the flow of events of the film of the show on the screen, and in spite of severe suffering experienced by «Hugh Glass» real and «DiCaprio», played on the screen, but the scenes at a specific stage of suffering bored of repeating crises play out the scenario even strained scenes out, was postponed theme of revenge for the final scenes of the film, which led to increase the anticipation that the viewer is greater than its size much and giving, which ultimately led to the feeling of some viewers disappointed with the beginning of the fourth quarter of the film, exacerbate this feeling with the end of the events, and with a wave of positive publicity given to the film and news of his rival at the top of the Oscars, I started a lot of questions in the transcendence; Is it worth the film the highest cinema award in the world? Is it enough to «DiCaprio» kill himself killed on the screen to raise his hat and give out the award without discussion? This is the most control over the film councils question today.

The film and the struggle for Oscars

Opinions were divided in the film business between unlikely and objector Neil film Oscar, some argue that the film made its artistic effort is what makes it worth the award. It is enough that he is capable of playing on the theme of a clear and consumer Calantqam and resubmitted for Mjhor at a film template is amazing to make the effort privileged .

Others consider that the goodwill and effort of violent alone are not enough to get the Oscar, although the technical level of excellence for the film, and new technologies that have been used to get him out; however, the plot cinematic still need more action, not only movies on the efforts of its heroes are built, but it was The film needs more effort to develop the plot and provide the viewer is feeling bored and waiting for the end of the events.

In any case, you can not make an educated guess of 100% over the fate of the film of the Oscars, but it can be said that the final and decisive outcome Snalmha all in one of the strongest and hottest Oscar tours in cinematic history, even that date may be considered comments on this topic Circuit for discussion Film about the film and the extent of entitlement to the prize.

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