mardi 3 mai 2016

Wild Tales - how to make a film going to end up?

Every man has a breaking point

Inter fleeting spoken great carving Sidney Lumet "12Angry Men" and emphasized by Morgan Freeman Braiah Frank Drapon "The Shawshank Redemption", that sentence formed an end conclusive in which every person found to the tolerance of what might provoke his anger until he lost control of his mind is led to dire consequences, those are simply the idea on which the author and director Argentine virtuoso Demian flee the idea of ​​the film is amazing and frightening at the same time (tales of brutality), what if I got to the edge of anger even led you lust anger to turn into what looks like a wild animal untamed?

The film poster
The film poster
We are facing a unique film in all its details; it has coined by Chevron in six separate stories of shape, do not associate with nothing but a desire for revenge, as taking tidbits to escalate regularly logical is artificially, even surprised ends hold tongues of hyper unit edges dramas, heroes of different places scattered chapels and the Argentine capital Buenos Aires, intelligent use of varying colors overwhelm the events of each story even gave each character visually distinct does not forget, and then came one of the most talented guitarists in the world Gustavo Santaulala, Oscar-winning twice; to encase those crazy Bmoktoat ingenious beauty tidbits, then complements the creative Alhdoth b (Tatar) which put pictures of wild animals in front of the name of each hero; so preparing us for an exciting adventure amid human and rugged forest.

A scene from the film
A scene from the film
The film begins with an amazing story Bagtina by Chevron as a challenge bold and put it to himself, and succeeded in it deserved; where we promised to raise the roof of our expectations to a much farther than we ever imagined, and then overtake each time amazingly bigger, way out where his tongue to critics from the outset, refusing to censorship on the tastes of the audience, and exciting Ironically, the film has received great appreciation from the most influence; they are the French and the critics when it was nominated for ringworm was golden. The story revolves in a plane all passengers be surprised that they are a relationship with someone routinely ridicule him throughout his life, first and foremost, a critic musician arrogant, and Habiba traitor, managers worked arrogant, and all of them did not pay attention to that irony only after they emptied of throwing jokes him as they used to, and then goes with us on a rainy night to a restaurant waitress, facing a corrupt politician objectionably displaced her family and Jaetha the opportunity to give it a last meal, or to provide service to the community; she said her partner restaurant in all seriousness.

The last scene of the movie
Another scene from the movie.
That we come to one of the funniest stories of the film despite the strangeness, which is based on the blink of an unknown, which is that both of us turn to someone else behind the wheel of his car, let alone to meet the worst kinds of human beings: the arrogant and envious, in their cars on the road and one exchange in which dance tune of insults and punches in a brawl escalate their own pace without a reference point. Then My story favorites (bomber La Bombita), which represents the culmination of a remedy movie, witnessing visible the star Ricardo Darin, who knows cinema lovers role wonderful crime Alooscarah champion, and the elixir of treating loss of passion (the secret in their eyes - The Secret in Their Eyes); as it symbolizes the ideal role good citizen who Tstgvlh his government repeatedly falling apart even blind confidence by columns and up to a point outburst that would make him a national hero in terms of the count.

A scene from the film
A scene from the film.
Gives us Demian Chevron truce breath pick in the fifth story that weave on the backburner; where the story familiar to the Son spoiled irresponsible, who implicated his father, the millionaire in the incident, it may become fertile material for page-long gossip, and what to look for scapegoats escape out of justice even grinning his followers from the teeth; willing to pounce on wounded prey, which has become an easy prey to extortion, then crowned his masterpiece in recent tale ceremony delightfully wedding dream of any girl, but amid all this euphoria discover bride betrayed her partner; Vicu retaliation violent; what turns wedding into a nightmare resident, and scandal fledged.

A scene from the film
A scene from the film.
It may be said, that Chevron was inspired by the film of the idea (of the seven sins), developed by the Catholic Church and classified by the ethics despicable, that may destroy a person to hell, is supported by the conjecture that the film was supposed to contain seven stories; but he ruled out the latter before entering in his portrayal, and it seems that it created a lot of it since the first personal identify them, a critic ostentatious Salgado, who named the word SALIGIA which was cut short by the church the first seven letters of the deadly sins points out, and that the film began and Akhtaatmh sin of lust which topped the top of the pyramid of sins and the most averse, but submitted here we are more mature; away it from surface and direct, which may make it like a practiced punishment heavenly them; all the stories going smoothly, and can happen, in which his characters react logically dramatic unusual, even surprising endings shocking, which - by the way - has not been adopted in that staining the screen with blood, or Eptzlha violence is justified; it has won some of the characters cleared after being emptied shipment muffled violence that made it on the edge of madness; but this film gained recognition in cash and the warm mass, I think it is gradually increasing in wider circles after entering the list of the best 250 films base movies IMDB data, and emphasized the superiority of the Argentine film that won the Oscar three times, nine nominations was our film made love to her last year.

Propaganda poster for the film
Propaganda poster for the film.
And why not end the film? Because you will not get out of it, enjoying the film airs hammer surprise on your head only; but you'll find present in many daily transactions, which Touhst for pigmentation actions dysfunctional group, for as long as we stood in front of her often confused, because humans have decided to cancel their minds and unleash their instincts to lead them to the abyss of the human dustbin. In an ideal capital of psychological stress, according to a report sexy published by the British Guardian a few months ago, it occupied the Cairo - deservedly - first place in the rating (more cities on earth brought to nerve pressure and moral evading), so I did not feel while watching I moved far from the skies but It made me afraid of the predator contextual who will not see him, but falling into the traps of life similar events; it is a film not only momentary euphoria that dim views you repeated promises; they live in the memory long to be renewed with each drop a realistic Oklahoman, making him materialize in front of you immediately; for this we are grateful for such pots those ardent passion, which always reminds us, why do we love the cinema.

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