mardi 3 mai 2016

Exceptional films brought together high artistic value and complexity Film weary

Believe me, if you think I'm talking about those movies that require full concentration to understand, or that obscure films that do not provide the answer, but at the finish, then you are completely wrong!

I will discuss in this article, for those films that begin to see a strong determination ready to be presented to you from the fun, going through the first few minutes in peace and everything seems normal and fine, suddenly .. you find yourself lost amid the events are trying to understand what exactly is going on, will challenge yourself and complement each However, you might pick up the thread of the party, but to no avail.

Will not give up, Valoflam mysterious is the most spectacular, inevitably you'll find an explanation at the end of the film, you will understand certainly Stertah .. That's what you tell yourself while you discover that the film has ended, leaving the Eyak shocked wonder at a loss, "What happened? What have I just watched? ? "but you will not get an answer cures Glelk.

May laugh to feel that he had been tricked, it has riled the excess of disappointment or sense that you have wasted your time watching the action is understandable, and perhaps'll reimburse again to try again, and again will not reach any little consequence, except for severe headaches that Sasepk.

The reason, quite simply, is that these films are not made in order to understand it already .. is the only artistic creative work did not merciless scenes and did not give him any help or party string can understand the work, leaving him in front of the movie business is just mind and nothing else.

But this does not prevent the beauty and splendor of these films, Vgraptha and difficulty are basically what is fit distinctive, challenging tradition and can not be repeated, and you 10 films of the sort that I talked about, leaving the creators making their mark in the history of cinema acting iconic unmatched:

Donnie Darko

Donnie Darko
One of the coolest movies you saw, which we did not hope to see them all, a quiet film in the public faces, but sexy, strong and deep, addresses topics such as time travel, fate and destiny wonderful philosophical way, you will not be bored never throughout the presentation for which amounts to two hours and a quarter of an hour.

Strange Kchksath Home, "Donny," whose plot revolves around him, he is eccentric and introverted, but very clever and his charming smile, kind-hearted, accompanied by hallucinations make him see a rabbit ugly six full-feet tall, ordering him by the terrible things, and tell him that the end of the year is left with With less than a month.

The film in general in a very odd concept although, to be up to 15 minutes old, the viewer finds himself Gazing up at the screen waiting for an explanation of what watching .. no avail.

Bizarre and shocking end thousand tolerant interpretation and the interpretation and make you realize you were wrong throughout the two hours I spent watching film.

The film is produced in 2001, starring "Jake Gyllenhaal" and directed "Richard Kelly." Strongly I advise you to watch it, it is simply a wonderful painting not Tvotoh.

Mulholland Drive

Mulholland Drive
Like most genius filmmaker "David Lynch's" unique works, this film is a masterpiece par excellence.

The film revolves around a novice actress mean Hollywood hoping to be discovered her talent to become a famous star, finds herself embroiled in what appears to be a conspiracy by unknown persons, having assisted the woman survived miraculously but completely lost her memory.

Here everything is normal, but believe me, the second half of the film enough to cause the viewer that the revolving tried to understand anything.

In a press interviews explained the film's director, said:

"If you try to understand the movie using logic, you'll find yourself wandering inevitably addresses the film feelings and emotions, not the mind. Just deal with it as a dream .. strange dream, where scenes of random linked closely is solid, but will not enable you to access the any satisfactory or clear result. "


The film portrays us history professor lives miserable and chaotic life, he discovers by accident while watching a local films, representing fully submerged lookalike similarities, he decides enthusiastic search for him and his meeting, which is already happening, but the events turn against him terribly.

But is it really likeness, or is it something completely different happens?

We can consider that the biggest trick in the film is its simplicity and clarity false, because we are for the duration of the film thought we were watching a movie mystery and excitement funky, everything is understandable, just waiting for the end, the latter of which is not unthinkable, to make everything we've seen throughout the film becomes blown The wind and the focus of doubt and amazement strong.

I'm talking here about the last scene in the film, which will make you feel like you're completely wrong when I thought yourself comfortable you have understood the film, while I was getting ready to close your computer or change the channel that displays movie or out of the movie theater.

I advise you after the shock successor this film work on yourself, you should see some videos that explain the film, to find that it is very symbolic. The film is produced in 2013, starring "Jake Gyllenhaal" and directed "Denis Villeneuve."

Under the Skin

Under the Skin
Movie strange since its inception, sexy, quiet, and annoying in some scenes .. revolves around "Laura" by the performance of its star, "Scarlett Johansson" Votguenth neater, "Laura" simply created satellite, was sent to earth to solve created satellite replaces a previous and in order to perform a specific task: hunt down and "catching" men, and then get rid of them very strange way, for an unknown purpose.

"Laura" begins in the streets of central Scotland impressive both located on the same and continue to perform its mission to the fullest, to be committed a grave mistake after he began to feel like humans, and tried to be like them, to be the price we played very dearly.

Many critics and analysts say that the film hides many messages the most important human beings interesting appearances and exterior to each other without giving any attention to the "inner beauty" which was the main reason why the fate of the victims, Laura, according to these critics say, when blinded by her beauty unbeknownst to them they hide "under the skin" created an ugly feeling useless.

The film is produced in 2013, starring "Scarlett Johansson" and directed "Jonathan Glaser."

The Double

The Double
Black comedy quiet, elegant, exotic and very stiff, this film can be likened to a terrifying nightmare that we would not have Nsthmlh if we put ourselves in the hero, and personally, I liked the movie so much although I frankly did not understand until now I did not find him any convincing explanation!

The film adaptation of the novel "Dostoevsky" by the same name events, about a young man named "Simon" simple and very courteous, but spineless and miserable luck to an incredible degree, lives in a world that does not give him nothing but indifference and misery, ignored in his work, despite his hard work , despised his mother's side, and forsaken by the girl of his dreams.

Simon, who finds himself unable to control his life in any way, increase the misery and torment when the new colleague, "James," which seems to be cost control over the life of Simon in his place, to take it all, and snatched the limelight in record time thief with him all the achievements of shows Simon tired old ascribes to himself.

What is important here is that the "James" is similar to "Simon" completely, even in his clothes and body, so you'd think that its twin, the difference is found James charismatic personality and strong cunning that makes him admired all around him.

The question here: Did a similarity and congruence between the two notes? In fact this question is the hero I've put in a very cruel spectacle when he asked one of his colleagues:

Not to notice that this person looks like someone you know? Colleague replied in the negative, wondering: Who do you mean?
Simon answered with amazement bitter: I, for example !!!
Vigibh colleague calmly "Sorry my friend, but no one here considers you" people "..
The film masterpiece worthy of your time watching it I advise you that have not yet done, which is produced in 2013, starring "Jesse Eisenberg" and directed "Richard Oaoad."


Swedish film classic Khalid produced in 1966, one of the greatest cinema has given us throughout history, not only because I think so, but because it ranks seventh among the ten best films in history ranked by the British Film Institute.

Centric film a story about a famous actress called "Elizabeth Voglr" suddenly stop talking and movement, after the transfer to the hospital and diagnosed, the physician discovers they sound physically and psychologically, whereupon commissioned nurse "pain" worthwhile Elisabeth and try to help them to talk and find out exactly her problem.

In light of the continuing silence of Elizabeth, trying to woo them pain and gain confidence should be regularly briefed on most of its secrets and the most privacy perhaps do the same, but events take a completely different curve.

Addresses Persona sensitive and unacceptable issue in various communities during that period, which is the problem of maternal rejection and depression that accompanies pregnancy and childbirth, which could be up to hate the mother to her baby without justification, and without a turn to suffer or even trying to understand what is going through.

The difficulty in mixing the film scenes in the latter part of the film and speed, where the viewer is unable to differentiate between what is actually happening and what is imagined heroine of the film, as well as lack of clarity in the end and difficult to understand.

The film cinematic icon position where it is given "Aangmar Bergman" along with cinematographer "Sven Naqvist" Besmthma in the history of cinema film uniquely written, photographed and directing, where the film is classified in the "contemporary horror" box boasts an array of frightening and bizarre scenes that do not have any explanation or relate to one another, and which formed later, a source of inspiration for a group of filmmakers like the Giants "and Woody Allen," "David Lynch" and "David Fincher."

2001A Space Odyssey

The film, which is considered the best science fiction film ever by the American Film Institute, will understand it when you see the movie was filmed and directed in 1968, comparable to the quality and beauty and versatility of the latest sci-fi movie that is supposed to be made in technology, advanced imaging time to the highest levels.

The film does not contain a clear text or a specific story told by, but the events revolve around a group of astronauts set off on a journey to Jupiter unaccompanied supernatural computer called "Hal", on a mission to get to the huge stone was spotted and thought it threatens humanity.

Discusses the film, directed by "Stanley Kubrick's" range of topics as the theory of evolution and the seriousness of artificial intelligence to humans, and as I mentioned before, only a small part of the film can be traced and understanding, but for the rest of the film simply relax and Alasmtaa high imaging quality and soundtrack enormous.

It should be noted that this film needs a spectator very patient because of the long and intense scenes in slow sequence of events.

The question remains: Are you going to talk about 50 years from now for films such as Interstellar or Gravity as we talk about this film after all this age, or whether they will be in limbo despite the huge amounts of money and advanced technology used in the production?


The film was produced at a cost of $ 7,000 just to get the grand prize Sundance Film Festival in 2004, it is considered one of the most difficult films that may see the most realistic and, without using any special effects or sophisticated imaging techniques.

The film revolves around four engineers in the prime of life, spend their spare time in building a machine capable of changing blocks of physical objects, only to discover two of them coincidence that the machine the ability of other unexpected: the possibility of time travel, Viorteuran harness this great discovery personal their interest.

The difficulty of the film mainly in the complex dialogue, which revolves around the terms and concepts of scientific and physical very complex and incomprehensible to non-specialists.

The film version of 2004, which is directed by "Shin Kirot."


Revolves around the events of the film "Max", a genius mathematician believes that everything in nature explicable by the account numbers, and who suffers from paranoia, hallucinations and social phobia.

He built a supernatural computer utmost extract group numbers are believed to be able to provide answers lead to the understanding of human existence, to become threatened by the group as well as an agent for Wall Street, who desperately want to reach the group numbers, each for its own reason.

The film is full of numbers and accounting rules and represents a great film for lovers of science and mathematics, was released in 1998, starring "Sean Gullit" and directed "Darren Aronofsky."

The Forbidden Room

The Forbidden Room
Conclude the most bizarre film on the list, the Canadian film, which was produced in 2015, my advice to you: If you want to avoid the incidence of severe headache, just do not try to understand what you see, what you need to do is sit back and watch quietly while refraining from thinking.

The reason is simply that there is not understood in this film is strange and unique, there is not a clear story we do not know what he is talking exactly, only overlapping events in each other, an innovative imaging technique, visual effects are enormous, and combining multiple categories: comedy, mystery, drama and romance.

Surprisingly, this film is not difficult to prevent being offers superb cinematic experience so that is a challenge for viewers looking for a cinematic work that has no parallel instead of traditional films and refined ideas.

There is no doubt that this quality that I have discussed in this article is not designed for everyone does not fit all viewers, they need patience and cooler taste blood and able to accommodate differences and strange and illogical endings.

What about you, Have you ever seen one of these movies? Is there another movie you suggest?

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