dimanche 1 mai 2016

Festival «cannes» 2016: What must not miss

Began in the late thirties trying to establish a film festival in the city of «cannes» French stopped the attempt as a result of the outbreak of war battles and then led later to the Second World War, then returned festival kicks off truly in the middle of 1946. passed dozens of years, stopped a couple of times during reasons different, but he continued to come back again this year in the face of tight security, after France suffered violent terrorist attacks this year.

If the cinema has remained unbreakable before the murder, war and terrorism, such as building a beautiful rocky and amid high waves hit him Vehtz not fall. Maybe this was part of what was called the festival organizers when it chose its own propaganda poster, a copy of the film was produced in the sixties French director Jean-Luc Godard entitled «Contempt» see the French actor Michel Piccoli, climbs the steps of the villa Marbelata, this construction engineering Gemayel and strong on the island of Capri Beach. Now let us review in this report are the most prominent features of the sixty-ninth session of the Cannes Film Festival.
Headed by Australian writer and director «George Miller» Jury festival. «Miller» owes the previous session of the festival out in his film «MadMax: Fury Road» for lights when they were displayed in the festival out of competition to return personal «Max Rokatanski» legendary back to the screen after a thirty year absence. He is having designed «Miller» and has starred American actor «Mel Gibson» in the eighties. Vote for this work -oho work of Miller last - to ten Oscars won in the end, six of them to become the hero of the film is the last Oscar ceremony undisputed. «Miller» is also the product animated film «Happy Feet» and who won an Oscar in 2006. There is no doubt that the Australian presidency of the seventy-year-old owner of the jury will give the festival this year, new character, as long characterized «Miller» bold and has always been supportive for new experiences.
Will be «Café society» show, film director, writer and film maker American «Woody Allen», on May 11 at the opening of this session of the festival. This is the third time the festival opens one of Allen films after «Hollywood Ending» in 2002 and «Midnight in Paris» in 2011 and this achieves Woody has set a new record in this festival. This is the fourteenth film, which is chosen by director, and displays in «he» outside the official competition starting his film «Manhattan» in 1979 and the end of his film at last year's «Irrational Man».

«Woody Allen» One of the greatest film makers, was nominated for an Oscar 20 times and won on four occasions did not appear to receive any of them, despite his well known position of «Oscar» award and reluctance to attend the awards ceremonies, which are subject to the cinema to the principle of «preference» and claims to assess what is good and what is bad, but it regularly to attend the festival «it», perhaps because he finds the celebration of cinema and love and rediscovered not just converted to battle the commercial evaluation.

Chose «Allen» Championship film «Café society» American young actress «Kristen Stewart» heroine of «Twilight» series that work with him for the first time in addition to the US, such as the young «Easy Eisenberg» who worked with him before in the movie «To Rome with Love.» We will wait if the usual questions about life, love and art at the opening of the film «was» this year.
«Steven Spielberg» and film production «Disney»
Always able Festival «» maintain required between art and marketing demands balance, but as long as its activities among the celebrity world of cinema and the first work-makers gathered. If we talk about the big names in this year's version in addition to the «Woody Allen» will also participate the famous American film director «Stephen Sbeblrj» his film «The BFG» outside the official competition. This is the fourth film is the involvement of Spielberg Festival «it», as has previously chaired the jury in 2013. The Disney Company has announced that the film «The BFG» will be put the role of the display at the beginning of July.

«Jodie Foster» graduated film starring «George Clooney» and «Julia Roberts»
Besides Spielberg, and also outside the official competition, will join the American actress and film director «Jodie Foster» New Pfilmha «Money Monster». The film speaks about the media industry and the global economic crisis, and the crime is located in the middle of all these events in the context of the thrill provided by «Foster» when he runs a film of her friends old «Clooney» Championship and «Roberts». The «Money Monster» film a huge budget and is expected to have a private follow-up to attend the festival.
«Pedro Almodovar» complete his career in «he»
The level of official competition highlights the film «Julieta» directed by Spain's famous «Pedro Almodovar.» «Pedro» was awarded the «Best Director» in 1999 for his work «All About My Mother» also won «the Ecumenical Jury» Prize and then opened his movie «Bad Education» festival in 2004 and competed with his film titled «Broken Embraces» 2009 Palme d'Or prize. «Pedro» also won the Academy Award «the best authentic scenario» in 2003 for his film «Talk To Her» also nominated for best director for the same film.
Film «Almodovar» New expect to receive follow-up from the critics and the public are also expected to compete at a major awards at this year's festival.

Brothers film «Dardan» New
For as long as the new movie two brothers «Dardan» Whatever a guest in the official competition of the festival «it», two of the few who won the Palme d'Or twice. They were last seen their film «Two days and a night» at last year's festival and one of the main contenders in the official competition and is part of the French heroine «Marion Cotillard» nomination for an Academy Award. This year, the brothers «Dardan» provides us with new work The »Unknown Girl» and which is expected as usual to look deeply into the economic and social hardships that hit Europe in this day and age.

We will be in front of a new movie for the two of the pioneers of realism cinema in Europe and is expected to Anavsa as usual on the main awards at this year's festival.

«Sean Penn» novelist out his fifth term
US actor «Sean Penn» Oscar winner twice and a former member of the Commission on Arbitration Festival «was» to the director's chair once again to take part of the new his film «The last Face» in the official competition of the festival this year moves. This is the fifth film for «Sean Penn» as a director after the start of the march in the 1991 film «The Indian Runner». Chose «Shawn» Two of the big names for his film starring this time, where will all the key roles of «Charlize Theron» and «Javier Bardem». All of these names make «The last Face» a name waiting strongly amid nominations for the official competition of the festival this year.

Egypt returns to Cannes with «engagement» Mohamed Diab
Was chosen by the festival management this year on the film «engagement» Egyptian director «Mohammed Diab» to be viewed in the «look what» section, bringing back Posts Egyptian Festival since stopped in 2012 when filmmaker Yousry Nasrallah attended his film «after interim peace».
The film starring «Nelly Karim» and «Hany Adel» and «Ahmed Malik» and author of «Khaled Diab» and «Mohamed Diab». The film depicts a group of characters inside a car security deportations amid strikes in Egypt in 2013. «engagement» is the second work of director «Mohammed Diab» has caught on outside of Egypt after his «678» introducing the sexual harassment of women in Egypt crisis.

The festival will begin on 11 May and will last until 22 of the same month, the beaches are filled with «he» in that period film makers from everywhere in the world. Our offer in the past most of what has been declared so far for the festival and cinema lovers in particular should wait, even if our readers have not had to attend events on the territory of France and contented themselves with the usual follow-up of the world from behind the screens.

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